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How many afflicted with binge buying?


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Since the collapse of Bronica prices at the first of the year I've not

only added lenses to the ETRs I've had since the early '90s but also

included the SQ-A (out of my reach until recently).


It hurt my pocketbook at the first of this year but my desires have

been sated(for now).


How many have been similarly afflicted??







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All of these were purchased in the last 2 years:




and this lovely treasure was purchased only a few weeks ago:




And the binge continues with buying bits and bobs such as diopters and backs and a 75mm RZ shift lens.


I'll be working it off for years - but I've never regretted a single purchase.



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It is funny you should post this now. Right at this very moment I am seriously considering augmenting my current ETRSi lineup with a reasonably priced GS-1. The idea would be then to sell the ETRSi. At the present time I am using the ETRSi for landscapes (tripod) and portrait (mostly handheld) type work. Would the GS-1 fit the same niche with a much bigger negative or am I just wasting my time? After all, the money to purchase the GS-1 is supposed to be going towards a new DSLR body for my nikon glass.
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If it weren't for the fact that I'm up to my eyeballs in my Nikon stuff, and with the D200 coming out (can you say NAS), I might shoot more medium format.

I shoot too much sports this time of the year to fool with my Bronica, and I'm too busy in the summer. Usually I always have an excuse, mainly because I dont like to be slowed down and it's not a small setup.


I almost pulled the trigger on a minty Bronica RF645 w/lense for $700 but I snoozed... damnit. I a Mamiya or Bronica RF might suit my purpose more so than any other medium Format.


So to answer your question... yes I binge buy.


I know where there is a LN/EX+ GS1 setup for a steal... :)

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I wanted to buy a used Hassey... bought two yesterday, waiting impatiently for a D200 as well... that will replace my Nikon D70 and go along with my two F4s, FE, FM, EM and four Nikon F's. Oh, and my 32+ Nikon lenses... That damn D70, it got me soooo hooked on photography again... Oh, did I mention my FIVE 4x5 cameras and sixlenses for them?


Every single item except 3-5 Nikon lenses were bought in the last 12 months, talk about binge buying... I already traded away my Nikon 8008 and 4004 which were bodies I owned before I got the D70.


Then there's the darkroom equipment...

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I thought I was bad, what with buying a COntax 645 and three lenses last year, film backs, tripod and ballhead--all within the last year--plus whatever other little stuff I could get my hands on. Now I've added two more lenses and a second body (I even hid it from the wife) and looking for a digiback I'm trying hard to justify.


But you guys put me to shame. I think, though, that hiding it from the wife takes my problem to a different level. That's pretty damn dysfunctional!

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I've got the next round for everybody!


Harmless in my opinion unless the rent/house payment is due & you're sweating it ...


Good times for buyers of film MF/LF & 35 unless it's Leica


Have fun & if it really bothers you then we'll see you at the testimonial on New Years Eve!

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I just bought a used sqai with a me prism finder, 120 back, and two lenses, both the standard and a 150. Cost me $450. It's my first medium format SLR. I really wanted an ersi but I couldn't resist this deal. I hope my decision was a wise one. I haven' yet used it.
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My two year plus medium format binge:



Hasselblad 2000 FCW<br>

Hasselblad 500 CM<br>

Hasselblad 503 CW<br>

Hasselblad SWC/M<br><br>


Carl Zeiss F-Distagon 30mm f/3.5 C T*<br>

Carl Zeiss Biogon 38mm f/4.5 C T* (on the SWC/M)<br>

Carl Zeiss Distagon 40mm f/4 C T*<br>

Carl Zeiss Distagon 50mm f/2.8 F T*<br>

Carl Zeiss Distagon 50mm f/4 C T*<br>

Carl Zeiss Distagon 60mm f/3.5 C T*<br>

Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm f/2.8 C<br>

Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm f/2.8 C T*<br>

Carl Zeiss Planar 100mm f/3.5 C T*<br>

Carl Zeiss Planar 110mm f/2 F T*<br>

Carl Zeiss S-Planar 120mm f/5.6 C T*<br>

Carl Zeiss Sonnar 150mm f/4 C T*<br>

Carl Zeiss Sonnar 250mm f/5.6 C T*<br>

Carl Zeiss Tele-Tessar 350mm f/5.6 C T*<br>

Carl Zeiss Tele-Apotessar 500mm f/8 CF T*<br>


And I'm afraid to list the accessories... :)<br><br>



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I'm not a sicko! I'm not a sicko! HOORAY!


I was on the verge of entering a Binge-Buying Rehab until I read you guys' posts! I was feeling guilty about justifying my move into medium format but there were just too many excuses (I mean REASONS!) not to.


For instance, I bought an entire ETRS setup with extras for less than the cost of one good piece of Nikon 35mm glass! Did you ever think you'd see the day when Medium format didn't just make better financial sense but was just plain cheaper?


I wanted to move from 35mm film into a DSLR. A D70s was at the top of my list. Then I fell into MF. It was a binge-buyer's dream come true! Let's see... the justification people use for spending 8 GRAND on a 1DSMkII (less the LENSES, mind you!) is that it can rival medium format. So you're telling me I can beat a 1DSMkII in quality for the 500 bucks I spent on my Bronica?! Complete no-brainer. Bear in mind I'm one of those throwbacks who never uses autofocus, usually uses a tripod, and shoots about 15 frames in an hour. DSLR (that I could never begin to afford) vs. Medium format (for less than a good lens for my 35mm body).... HMMMMM LET ME THINK...


I have fallen in love with Medium format to the point where I went and bought an FE2 to make sure I wasn't giving 35mm short shrift. I love the FE2, but as with my other Nikon body, 35mm just isn't there. There's no wow-factor when I get my prints back anymore.


People talk about not seeing a difference between 35mm and MF until you print huge. Not in my experience. MF just has a 'look' about it. The tonality, the smoothness- that creamy look I just have never gotten with 35mm. Yes, some may argue it's because I don't have top notch 35mm glass. You'd be correct in making that statement. But MF gear is cheaper...and BETTER!


In the last year:


Bronica ETRS

75mm lens

150mm lens

2 film backs

speed grip

AEII prism


Nikon FE2

several lenses for it


And like someone mentioned, let's not even begin to talk about the bags of dough we all drop on paraphernalia like bags, filters, lens caps, straps, hoods, holders, cable releases, remotes...


But after shooting inside several cathedrals I now realize I NEED a TLR. Have you heard a Bronnie mirror go SLAP!?

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I'll play. Since August, I bought two Pentax 6x7s and four lenses to go with them, a 55mm, a

90mm, a 105 mm and a 165mm. Then just for kicks, I picked up a Nikon F3 and three lenses.

Also bought a Coolscan 8000 to scan in the chromes. And I have a Mamiya C330s TLR.


I also have two Canon DSLRs, a 10D and 20D. Digital got me back into photography but it

also got me back into film. Who knew?

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I have often looked at getting Bronica GS-1 in the past. When one came up on Ebay

with 110 macro lens back in April 2004, I won it for $700. Then Tamron said no more

Bronica, so I thought I would lay in some spares. The Bronica GS-1 is very well made

and robust. My spares are now 4 extra working bodies plus two that need work or are

donor bodies; the last was bought on Ebay for $25 - it was missing the mirror, which

was obtained from one of the donor bodies (the mounting hardware was the later

model that Tamron supplied for about $7 including shipping).


I have two parts lenses, a 100 and 150. 11 backs, all but 3 are OK. My working spare

lenses are as follows: 2@50mm 3@65mm 2@100mm and 1@150mm. In addition to

the original plain prism I have 2@AE and an extra plain prism plus 2 @WL and a great

many diopters. I only have the original Speed Grip that I find indispensible, The G36

tube works great with the 110mm macro lens.


This binge buying (around $3500 total) may have to stop, but I love this stuff and

enjoy being a Bronica repair man.


BTW 6X7 chromes project so well! Long live Provia 400F and Velvia 100.


I won't give up my Minolta AF stuff yet - still waiting for next years KM 9D.


Also, I love my 6X9 and 4X5 Linhof outfits too - a 4X5 transparency is still awesome.

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I have to admit I am afflicted as well, recently I got another M645 1000s body for 52.00 needed seals and got 20 rolls expired Tmax off of the auction site....I now have 3 Spotmatics, Nikon F,Nikkormat FTn, Nikon FG, 2 M645 bodies, Yashicamat 124, Yashica Electro, Kiev 4, just got a Maxxum 7000 for 23 bucks from KEH, Maxxum 70, Minolta X-370.....I do find myself far more interested in MF than 35, but when I see a good deal on anything, it's like taking a stray dog home from the pound......Happy Shooting! mark
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robbie - My first 4x5 was a Crown Graphic and once I made a contact print of Half Dome, Yosemite from Glacier Point I was hooked! I just bought a super lightweight wood camera 4x5 so I'm selling the Crown Graphic w/ lens, manual, film holders, Graflock back for $275. But if you are going to be hiking long distance into the wilderness, I'd recommend a sub-3 pound camera like I bought. New they range from $600-4,000, I bought a vintage Nagaoka for $450.


If you are only planning to shoot near the car or in the studio, the Graphic is fine. If you are planning only studio, then a monorail camera is the way to go.


I will be selling the Crown as well as a Toyo Omega View and a Calumet 4x5 and keeping a Calumet for studio use. I have two because after I bought the first one, the second one came up with a bag bellows and a recessed lens board and a lens that I wanted so I sprung for it too. But really, five 4x5 cameras is more than I need...


I am now looking into the Mamiya RZ67 Pro something as I think I will like the format better than the Hasseys 6x6 format.


But you can't go wrong with the Hassey...


Just preordered a Nikon D200 so I will be selling my D70 and one of mytwo Nikon F4s bodies...


I find that my digital images from my D70 come out better than my 35mm prints and some say the D70 images are superior to most MF format prints... I haven't blown up enough MF large prints to decide on my own yet... But with digital becoming the way to play, the bargains in 35mm and MF are too irresistable to me!


Wheeeeee... isn't the buy/sell/trade game fun!

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