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Nikon 35-70mm f 2.8 AF/AF-D


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Some tehnical data: <br>

Film - Kodak Gold 100 ASA <br>

Camera - Nikon F70 with el.remote shuter relese <br>

Lense - Nikon 35-70mm f2.8 AF set to inf. <br>

Stativ/tripod - vivitar 2800... <br>

Procesed in Fuji service - labs <br>

Scaned with Fuji Frontiera SP3000 scaner - 16base(~2400dpi) <br>

Time of day - MIDDAY - Outside temperature ~2deg celsius <br>


link to MTF test of this lense:<br>


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Good post. That lens always surprised me with how sharp it was. Some people seem

turned off by the push/pull zoom (though I kind of preferred it for candid shooting) and

the fact that it is an older design and doesn't sport any fancy badges like "AF-S" or "ED". I

still see them available on the used market for <$200 sometimes. At this price, there's no

reason why people shouldn't be snapping them up. It would be an ideal medium-speed

portraiture zoom for for the DSLR's. I sold mine about a year ago because it just wan't a

range of focal length I was using and took up more space in the backpack than the 50mm

prime I do use. In, hindsight, I should have hung onto it. Thanks again for that post.

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The 35-70 f2.8 is the Nikkor zoom that freed me from the baggage of being a "primes snob." It's a very well made and easy to use lens that takes very, very sharp images. It's one of my favorite lenses now......and it works great for film or digital.
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very sharp and colorful lens. For me, the loose focus and rotating focus ring makes this lens incredibly annoying to use with a polarizer. Mine also flares quite badly. All in all great images with poor usability for landscape, but great value on the used market.
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