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W/NW Canonet QL17 GII at a Birthday

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I picked up this camera early this year on ebay for $25 and it has

sat in the closet ever since I took a test roll to look for light

leaks. Glass is great. I had lots of fun shooting it at my son's b-

day party recently. Only complaint would be focusing. Seems stiff

and has an extremely short focus throw. The bokeh doesn't have that

Leica ooompf, it's a tad harsh, but not entirely unpleasant. I have

been going thru my stuff recently trying to figure out what to get

rid of, but I think I'll keep this sucker for taking along with me

Kayak fishing along the coast. $25, I can afford to drop it if Sea

Lions try to steal my catch. Here's a shot of my son that shows lots

of bokeh. The drugstore print is super sharp, has better color, and

good detail in the shadow area, so please forgive my weak scanning

ability. I would love to see others' pics taken with this camera as

well as birthday party pics taken with whatever.


<img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/yakwad/bfae7b30.jpg"

alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

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Rich. Like Al said it's rangefinder. It's on topic somewhat because I am comparing to my M. And for the price I paid, it performs quite well. You have many excellent photos in your folder so I'd gladly take critique on my shooting ability from you in the neverending quest to improve. TTFN
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