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Will Mamiya ever release the ZD?

eric friedemann

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Mamiya announced the ZD in August 2004 and was to have released the

camera this summer (not even Nikon is this absurd in dragging out

its announcement-to-release dates):






There is still no release date for the ZD:






The ZD is beginning to remind me of a few years ago when Mamiya

announed an aspheric, rectilinear 43mm lens for the RZ to promote

the sales of digital backs for the RZ. The lens was posted on Mamiya

America's website where it remained for more than a year- then

disappeared. The lens never made it into stores.

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Must be in the same vault with the Pentax 645D. As each day goes by, as photogs have bought into other digital systems, the market niche shrinks until there is no longer of market. I have hopes for Pentax because I am holding on to seven lens but I can't hold on forever.
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I spoke to a Mamiya rep at photo-expo in NYC yesterday, and he said that cameras have been manufactured, but that the software isn't done.


I said that they should release a development kit and just let third party companies develop the software, and he agreed - rather enthusiastically. Quite a steady stream of people playing with the cameras on display though.

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I concur. Mamiya better hurry up or they'll miss the boat. If the reliability and useability of their Web site is any precursor to the software that will drive the ZD we should all take a long hard look at the big price tag of the Hasselblad H2D.


I've been considering the step up to the Canon EOS 1Ds Mark 2, but I'm afraid it costs too much. I was hoping to see a price of $5,000 or so for the ZD, so I could step up to 22 Megapixels instead of 16. The Hasselblad is just waaaay too expensive for me, but I can imagine that if I keep shooting my 4x5 I'll eventually end up spending the $20,000 anyway.


I'd really like to shoot a few hundred hi-res photos in each shoot instead of just a few dozen. For now I'm stuck shooting a few 4x5 sheets of film and a few hundred 8 Megapixel digital shots with my Canon EOS 20 D.


I like to crop some of my shots severely. Does anyone have any advice/alternatives to what I'm trying to achieve other than, "crop while you shoot guy" - I've tried that?

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Most of the photographers who invest in MF digital are to busy making money to post on internet forums. MF digital is better than 35mm digital in the same way that MF film is better than 35mm film. Look at the MF back manufactures, they are making enough money to show a profit and still be release new backs. Just because uncle Bob cannot afford one, does not mean that it is doomed. The ZD and 645D will be hits among the real pros.
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