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Some More RZ67 140mm Macro Questions


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Hi Everyone,

Some time ago I posted some questions about the RZ 140mm lens. It was

mentioned that it has a floating element. What exactly is this? Is

this something that needs to be adjusted if I'm using the lens for

general purposes or just when I want very close focusing? It was also

mentioned that the extention tubes are still needed for macro

shooting. Does this mean the 140 will not focus any closer then say

my 110mm or 180mm unless I use the tubes?

Lastly how heavy is this lens? Can I hand hold it at 1/125? There's a

seller near me and I'm thinking of driving out to look at the lens

but I'd just like to clear up a couple of these concerns. I'm

thinking the 140 might replace my 110 as my most used general purpose




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the floating element is there to improve edge sharpness when used close up. there's a distance scale on the lens so you can manually adjust the floating element. i've never tried to shoot the lens without setting the propper distance for the floating element, so i don't know what would happen - i'm sure that performance would suffer to some extent, but probably nothing major if not used for macro/close up work. as to size, it's not a small lense, definitely bigger (a little less than 2x) than the 110. it's maybe a pound heavier than the 110 too. should be easy to hand hold at 1/125, but i wouldn't want to do a long sesion hand holding it on the rz, that might put me in the hospital : D
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marc, search the archives. i posted a similar question a while ago. 1. my "testings" did not

come to much. basically, at least that's my experience under studio/flash condition, the

difference between properly focusing and just leaving the ring at "infinity" was not ovious to

my eye. 2. it's heavy , no doubt about it. 3. minimum focus is, i guess and if i recall correctly

at 70 cm. 4. i use the lens for general purpose and am more than happy. AAMOF i just did a

portrait session two days ago - strictly hobby - and the results came out just fine. i'm more

than happy to post one of the pics, just let me know.


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