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Your most effective wedding ad


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I'd love to see examples from PN'rs on wedding ads that were successful.


Not just ads you used... But ads where you received good feedback and

compliments. Would also love to hear the feedback you received and

why clients responded and what they said about the ad. Or, ads that

received obvious results and what those results were. The more detail

- the better.

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well, this wasn't exactly an 'ad' but it kind of is a great "word of mouth" tool. I make custom thank-you cards for each of my bride and groom's- I'd be more than happy to send a sample to anyone. They're black and white and approximately 4x5. I ran a promo last year giving 150 free to couples who signed on by a certain date. They've given me my best response by far from any mailers etc that i've sent out, although I've gotten a lot of compliments on my postcards as well. But these work the best- it costs me about $45-55 per batch incl. envelopes, couples pay the postage so no extra expenses for me there, and the brides love them because they're free to them. Everyone who went to the wedding gets to see their photos on cards and I've actually had people call and tell me how great they are. Booked one wedding this way as well because they saw the cards, had seen me work, talked to the couple, called and set up a consult and etc. etc. I just have my studio name, website, and copywright on the back of the cards- similar to a hallmark card. That's my best silent referral.
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Not really an ad, per se, but a great word-of-mouth product nonetheless. At the wedding reception, instead of having a dollar dance, I offer to take pictures of the guests that would like to participate. Couples, families, whatever. I take their photo, and then print them on-site and place the prints in card frames with my business card on the back. The guests make a donation that goes to the bride and groom, and they get a nice photo in return. It generates quite the buzz as people start getting their prints back and sharing with their friends and family. I usually take the pictures just as dinner is being served, so it doesn't take any time away from the normal events of the day. It costs me less than $10 in materials to do this, and the exposure is priceless. I often market it as a way for the bride/groom to recoup some of their photo package cost, as many times the picture session can generate $300 or more for the B&G.
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Wow, thanks! Not a completely original idea, of course, but I tried to put my own style into it. Just pack a blank poster board with your equipment and have them hold it up, add the text in PS or other post-processing software, and voila! Thank-you cards that everyone remembers (or that make enough of an impression to get you referrals, anyway). :-)
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Forgive me if I'm being stupid, but what fo you mena by cards? Or are they just pictures they can put in a card? If all of your info is on the back where does the couple write? Are they like postcards? This is a really neat idea and I'd like to try it. Could you give me more details?? Thanks


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