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w/nw Foto with Industar-22 (Normal Size)


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I'm not Mark (and not Frank, either).


And by the way, Mark is not Frank either.


This confusion/suspicion I believe dates back to Mark's earliest posts here, the first of which was entitled "Glow." And this arose at a time when a number of "new" people were miraculously cropping up on the Forum.


Mark momentarily played along with what he no doubt thought was just some friendly kidding, actually 'signing' one of his own posts this way:


<<<< Mark Dizengoff , oct 10, 2005; 03:38 p.m.

Scanned from slide. Mark-Frank-Troll >>>>




But enough's enough. I urge my fellow forumers to just call Mark ... Mark.


If you like his photos, say so. If you don't, say so. If he posts too large a jpeg, encourage him to post smaller ones. If you have one to post on his threads, post it.


Incidentally, I'm guessing the one above was taken in the upper Galilee.


Mark, am I right?

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I like the pictures (and the lens!).<p>I read through some old posts of Mark's just now, wasting time & curious to see how the accusations came about. I see nothing of old Mr ;*) [Frank] in Mark's posts - not in the style of writing, the content of his texts nor the quality of his images are even remotely similar. Mr ;*) would never own a Zorki or Russian lens, because his interest was purely in fondling expensive gear he couldn't use. He would never quote Petteri Sulonen, because his interest in photography was not great enough to actually read articles by knowledgable photogs like Petteri. So give it a break, guys: I think you're making a mistake, at the expense of someone who's got some pretty nice pics to share: which is another thing Mr ;*) rarely did!<p>Mark, now you've mastered the art of reducing your photo sizes, hopefully you won't cop so much misplaced flak here! Just avoid those buzz words like 'glow', lest you trigger another avalanche of Frank-spotters.
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Agree with Jerry and Eliot. Not only do Mark's kids look like Frank's kids, they look like Frank too. Frank's a website builder, remember that guy who worked for a political magazine in the US ... The New Republic, or some such, who made up all his stories, complete bs that this reputable magazine published for years. They went to check the facts on his one story and he had created phony websites, arranged for his brother to answer dummy phone numbers and the whole nine yards? That's the extent of the deception Frank is capable of. You CAN fool some of the people all the time.


Mark is protesting too much, as the bard would say. But even if he is not frank, his shots are BORING. Family pictures, pictures of rocks, pictures that look like scans from heaven knows where, and possibly even lifted off the net. Truth is, anybody else would have gotten lost by now.

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I remembered the name of the guy I was thinking of. It's Stephen Glass, who wrote for the New Republic magazine. The scandal was that he literally made up hundreds of stories that got through the magazine's fact checking controls and made it into print. Really bizarre stuff that people took seriously at the time, but in retrospect was completely ridiculous. When his editor finally got wise (another journal caught Glass in a lie), he went back and looked at the hundreds of stories and they were so obviously fake he wondered how anybody could ever have believed them.


60 Minutes did a segment on Stephen Glass, and there was a movie made titled "Shattered Glass". Anyway, the guy did all kinds of things to support his fake stories. He made up people, organizations and corporations. He backed it up with phony emails, voicemails, faxes and websites. He made up people and got his brother to answer the phone. When he finally got caught, it blew the New Republic's reputation right out of the water. Now the guy's in law school.

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hmmm .... you forgot Jim Bennet.


Jim's posting history is very much like Larry, Malcolm, and Jeff.


Mark is a different kettle of fish altogether. He's a time waster, but he isn't a snarky type.


Katie and Howard seem okay. Howard's stuff has been pretty constructive ... Katie's only posted once and it seemed a reasonable question. Oh, and these two don't seem to have trouble with punctuation and spelling :-)

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