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F100 Flash Exposure Problem


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Lately, I've been having a problem with the flash metering on my

F100. For the first year at least, the flash metering was spookily

dead on. Really, really good. I even touted it loudly in forums like


Now, I'm getting underexposures by one to 2.5 stops, especially at

distances over 15 feet.

Let me lay out what the problem isn't, first. This is with an SB80DX

and a backup flash, as well as with several different lenses, so I'm

reasonably sure that the problem is with the camera. I know that the

SB80DX is good for distances well beyond those giving me problems,

even at f5.6, which is the default f-stop for program shooting. I am

reasonably sure that it isn't my flash sych cord, because I got a

new one and the problem persists.

It isn't a terrible problem, because I usually hand meter and shoot

manual, but in certain situations, I need to be able to rely on the

camera's metering, which used to be, ironically, so reliable.

Anyone who can point out any potential problems I may be overlooking

would be greatly appreciated.

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When you say "synch cord" and "hand meter" in the same sentence as "flash

underexposures", please don't be surprised when people ask direct questions. Can you

provide some more explicit details or examples of when this is happening? Of course, I

don't know what you're doing but how can there be a camera problem if you're using a

synch cord and manual meter (which means that you are manually controlling the lighting

ratio, right?)? Or, if this is a TTL problem, why are you using a synch cord and manually

metering and bringing those two factors into the equation. With all due respect, your

question is confusing. Can you elaborate?

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I'mn sorry I confused the issue. Naturally, it's not a problem when I'm metering manually, which is what I do about 60-70% of the time. But the problem is with the TTL flash metering for those fast moving situations when hand metering is less practical and I switch over to program.

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