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One More Frameline Question

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How do the 50mm framelines on a modern 0.85x MP compare to the 50mm

framelines on a stock M3? I just got to look through an M3

yesterday (no one around here has an MP 0.85x or otherwise) and I

had no trouble at all seeing all four edges of the 50mm frameline

which basically was at the edge - but still very clearly deliniated -

of my field of view. Just wondering how they compare?


Michael J Hoffman

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I have both M3 and MP .85. The M3 frames are much better defined and continuous. The

MP frames occupy less of the viewfinder due to the lower magnification (.91vs.85) and the

fact that when viewing the same subject, the MP frames show less of the area. The MP

frames are thinner and are broken and don't show the corners which I find makes

composition more difficult. I much prefer the big fat bright unbroken old M3 style.

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"and the fact that when viewing the same subject, the MP frames show less of the area."


Colin, just so I understand, are you saying that you see less of what actually appears on film when using the MP 0.85 50 framelines than you do when using the M3 50 framelines. BTW, I agree the solid 50 frameline in the M3 is fantastic!


Michael J Hoffman

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Michael: yes there is a little more on the negative than I see in the MP viewfinder but the

M3 is a bit more accurate at moderate distances. There have been many posts on this

subject by more knowledgeable than I but I gather that it depends on how close you are

focussing as to how closely the framelines show what you will get. The little extra I get

with the MP helps take care of the overlap of my easel arms and a little lost under the

matte when framing so it all comes out in the wash and I don't consider it a problem as

long as one knows about it. In other words if you were to frame very precisely with M3, it

would be hard to show the whole shot in a printed and matted frame due to the losses

along the way. I doubt that the difference between the two cameras is more that a few

percent of area and it is not much of a consideration in most Leica style shooting at least

in my case.

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