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Konica-Minolta gets out of the camera business!


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This is sad, not only because Konica and Minolta made important cameras in the past. Their current digital cameras, with image stabilization in the body, seem to be a wonderful tools, at least according to some of those who have used them.


Sony may carry on with everything that K-M was doing, or not, but losing one of the important camera makers is likely to reduce the choices we have. The advice that is often given on photo.net, "See what camera works best in your hands," has become a bit less helpful, because there will be fewer different cameras we can put in our hands.

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I was kind of figuring a move like this might happen. KM has been in trouble financially for

several years, and Sony's been itching for a DSLR entry point. Doesn't make sense to create

a whole new lens mount. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.


I would not be at all averse to a KM DSLR with Sony sensor expertise and development

money behind it. On the other hand, with Zeiss lenses coming available for Nikon F mount

too, Nikons become even more interesting to me again.


There's a cornucopia of possibilities... ;-)



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>it still comes as a shock when a major brand name dies!


Make that TWO major names! Sigh.


Konica (formerly Konishiroku) was the oldest Japanese camera maker. Minolta (formerly Chiyoda) also dates from the pre-WWII era. It's hard to believe they are going to join the likes of Miranda, Petri, Zunow, Topcon, etc...


I snatched up a Konica Lexio 70 last year, shortly after the merger with Minolta. Now I'll have to stock up on Konica (formerly Sakura brand) film ... so very sad.

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>I would not be at all averse to a KM DSLR with Sony sensor expertise and development money behind it. On the other hand, with Zeiss lenses coming available for Nikon F mount too, Nikons become even more interesting to me again.


Those KM DSLRs will only serve as the bases from which Sony develops their own, sort of like Rollei developed their SL35 series from the Zeiss Ikon Voigtlander Icarex.


The ZF lenses are manual focus. Latest promo photos do not show any electronic contacts on their mounts. Not particularly conducive to Nikon dSLRs. The EOS digital range with an F, M42 or C/Y adapter offers more compatibility with Zeiss lenses.

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"Samsung muscling in on Pentax's territory."


Not exactly. Pentax has found a buyer for its obsolescent unsold stock for 6mp dslr. That will help Pentax bring out their own 10mp dslr with the same Sony sensor found on the Nikon D200.


And look for Sony to bring out the rebadged "Konica-Minolta" 10mp dslr.


Nothing is lost, nothing is gained...except a company name.


NB: Obsolescent is used in a marketing pov only.

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