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I am going to Death Valley for the first time in about 10 days and

along with my 10 tons of equipment I am tempted to rent a 30MM lens

for the Hassy. I will have an 80MM and 150MM/MACRO lens along with a

bunch of 35mm stuff (of which I have a 20mm lens for my 35mm cameras).

What I have heard is that to 30MM Hassy lens will give you close to a

180 degree view with little distortion. I can invision a few shots on

the salt flats that would be interesting but not knowing the area ,I

don't know if I could use it in other places. What it comes down to

is it worth the money to rent it for the week or spend the money on a

few bottles of wine and buy a few different films to play with???

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<p>I'm sorry, but a super-wide on a medium-format camera sounds like a really great thing to take along to the desert (I own a 28mm for my 35mm SLR and I'd love to have a super-wide)...


<p><i>or spend the money on a few bottles of wine ...</i>


<p>What the hell are you buying?!? Silver Oak Cabernet? Robert Sinskey Chardonnay? Opus One? Caymus Conundrum? C'mon, bite the bullet, rent the 30mm lens, and find some affordable bottles. Oh yes, if you're bringing along cases of any of the aforementioned wines, drop me a line. Maybe I'll play 'Blad desert sherpa...

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The 30 mm Hasselblad is full frame fish-eye. There will be no straight

lines in a picture taken with that lens, except in the center of the

picture. The horizon will look as if the picture was taken from a

space ship.

I think you must mean the 38 mm which is permanently mounted

to it's own body. But the 30 could probably be used for interesting

pictures. Sorry if I am misinterpreting your question.

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If you want to use a wide angle with little or nearly no distortion you should rent a Hasselblad SWC with its 4,5/38mm Biogon lens. This has only an angle of 900 diagonally but should be much more versatile, especially as your other lenses are 80 and 150mm. After the first test shots with my new SWC (well, its only 23 years old) I am very happy with this camera. The best idea is to buy this camera and celebrate it with a few bottes of red wine.
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