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Impact brand batteries from B&H

tim geiss

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I recently lost the battery for my Digital Elph and I looked to B&H

for a replacement. They offered the canon one for ~$47 and a generic

Impact brand battery for $19. It's more than a 2-for-1 ratio, so I

thought about giving it a shot. I know the old "you get what you pay

for", but I have bought generics for some other photo equipment

before. Does anyone have an personal experience with an aftermarket

battery for a digit P&S?




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I just bought two BP-511 equivalent batteries for my 10D from Sterling (http://www.sterlingtek.com). They are only $12 each, while the original Canon BP-511A costs $50 at B&H. And the Sterling batteries have more capacity than the original Canon batteries (1800 mAh vs. 1350 mAh).


Before I bought the Sterling batteries, I asked around if these are OK. I only got positive responses, and someone mentioned he has opened up a Canon battery and a no-brand battery once, and they both had the same power cells inside.


Don't let Canon scare you if they tell you you should only use original batteries. Canon is ripping you off when you buy original batteries!

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I have a Digital Ixus 430 (UK version of the Elph something-or-other). I had a similar choice when I wanted a spare battery and went for a 10GBP generic rather than a 35GBP Canon battery. If anything (and of course this is subjective) the generic battery has more capacity than the original Canon one that came with the camera.

I'd say go for the generic battery.....

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Thanks everyone for your helpful responses. I noticed that the impact battery had more capacity than the Canon, but I wasn't sure it would be noticeable, let alone better.


I'm going to double up for less than the price of one Canon. Thanks for giving me the confidence to do it.


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