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Leotax Special A???


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I am a long time lurker on this forum and have a question to ask. I

was on the big auction site and saw this Leotax camera up for

auction. I have a number of Russian Leica copies and it definitely

isn't like any thing I have in my collection. I have done an

internet search and found a description of a Leotax Special A but no

picture. Is this a real one or is it a copy made out of some other

camera? I can't place a link to the actual camera but a simple

search will find it. If it is the real thing what is the going

price? Thanks, John

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For some reason I never understood the Ukrainian gnomes have altered some Feds and are passing them off as Leotaxes. It is easy to detect the fakes; the line across the top of the RF housing is not a straight line as on the Leicas and the Japanese copies, but is interrupted at the middle RF window and jogs out around it. Additionally, the shutter release button surround is flared out with a cable release socket in the button. There are other clues, but those two are the most readily recognized.
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<p>Presumably you are referring to <a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/Leica-Copy-Leotax-Special-A-Japan-copy-Camera-EXC_W0QQitemZ7553037511QQcategoryZ30030QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem">this</a>, from a seller in the Ukraine -- not a nation particularly well known for having imported a large number of expensive Japanese cameras during the second world war. ("And if you believe that, I have a bridge....") Though of course only about 150 examples of this particular Leotax are said to have been made (in 1942): a crate full of them just <em>might</em> have somehow found its way to the Ukraine, to be carefully stored for decades and revealed on Fleabay.</p><p>This may come as a huge surprise and shock, so please put down any drink that you may be holding, but the camera appears to be a fake. (Course, the seller did rather suggest this via the word "copy".) Just how many differences from a genuine Special A (as shown on p.203 of <cite>Leica Copies</cite> by "HPR") would you like to hear about?</p><p>If you're going to get a Ukrainian fake Leica copy, why not go for a "Tanack"? Ukrainian bottom-loading [whoops!] "Tanack" cameras are particularly hilarious.</p>
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I stumbled accros this Leotax special that seems to be what you're describing. I can imagine the one form the ukrain is a copy of the japanese copy. the link to the auction from Pacificrim at ebay is

pretty darn expensive for a copy!


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I have seen the Russian copies of the Leotax cameras but this one is different. The viewfinder/rangefinder windows are switched. It also has a rangefinder cam like a Leica, not that metal prong thingy that Russian cameras have. Also, the serial number is 23?8. I realize that can be changed. It also has strap lugs. The item number is: 7554223411 if you want to go to the big auction site and check it out. Seller is in the midwest US. Sorry for the confusion but I have read in the rules that I can not place a link directly to the auction. Thanks to everyone who has replied. John
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<p>The fleabay page is <a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7554223411">here</a>. I believe that it's perfectly OK to link to fleabay pages; what you shouldn't do is use PN to drum up interest in your own auctions on fleabay. (Maybe I'm wrong. So OK, ban me already.)</p><p>You're right: this isn't Soviet. The book by "HPR" tells me that the distinctive (and poor) arrangement of little windows on the front limit it to Leotax Special A, Special B, or Special. But this doesn't have a slow speed dial, which means it's not the Special B. If the strap lugs and "A" on the top are original, it is indeed a Special A; if lugs and "A" were added, it's a Special (of which six or seven hundred were produced, says HPR). Looks like the real thing; expect some silly bids!</p>
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