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Favorite photo


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Well I haven't had this lens long (Summilux 35mm f/1.4

Aspherical- 1st edition), but this is probably my favourite. Not

because it is a symbol of photographic excellence but becuase it

portrays the subject (a boy selling flowers) in the exact way I saw

him. Nothing creative really. Just a nice shot. Check out the other

sin the folder too if you like. You might prefer another instead.






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Thanks for your comments, everybody. As for the violinist - I used a 35

pre-asph lux which I then owned for a second time - and sold again for

a second time! That half stop it gave me over the cron (wouldn't have

used it wide open for the extreme flare it produces) just didn't seem

to justify the expense and the close-up focussing restriction to 0.9

meters - but then again... it *does* have some bokeh and a way to

handle halftones, that makes me wonder whether I made a mistake selling

it - twice... ;o)

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I hate using filters, except protective ones. I shot it at about 8am

using slight natural light from a window to the right of the father

and the room's lighting from the ceiling. I actually used fuji ASA

400 Superior pushed to 800, which didn't work out as good as I'd

hoped because it was local film- "nice and hot". Not as good as

NPH 400 I've used in the past.

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Hi, Virgil:




My only 35mm Leica is an old Summaron 3.5cm, f3.5 with "eyes".




Since I'm still learning how to use my M3s most of the time I use the

lens I feel more confortable with and it happens to be an equally old

5cm Cron so I don´t have many 35mm pictures to show but <a

href="http://www.photo.net/photo/295335"> this

photo</a> is the one I prefer in 35mm so far.




35mm is kind of a tricky focus lenght for me. I find much easier to

use a 28mm (maybe 35mm is still too close to 50mm but different ?).

At least that is the way it is in my SLR experience . . . still left

to see RFwise.




Regards, Virgil





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This is a photo that while not a favorite, is one that I remember for

the danger involved. I am hesitant to post this, because it is

really a shot snapped by my girlfriend, simply because I wanted to be

in the shot (that is me in the cross-walk). I did pick the spot for

the photo, set the f-stop and shutter speed, and set the lens for the

hyper-focus setting, but Kimi did press the shutter release, so I

guess it is her photo.




The Traffic on Abby Road in London is terrible, and to make it worse,

the spot where the photographer stands (with his or her back to the

on-coming traffic) is on a curve, so there is no warning for the cars

or the shooter. You and the person crossing the street just

yell, "go!" and both run to the center, pose and shoot in about two

seconds, then run to the sidewalk to try again.




This is really a tourist shot, but Leicas can be used for those too.





<a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/570420"> Abby

Road 30 years later </a>

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