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whats in your camera kit??


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hi, i have always been wondering what other people have in there

camera bags, so please dont be shy to poast a reply.

heres mine:


d70s , 18-70mm


minolta srt101




polarizing filter

extedion tube

old bu steady tripod ($20 at a market)

just a normal backpack


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I normally go out with just the camera and a lens, but if I'm carrying everything . . . ?


Nikon FM with 24mm f2.8, 50mm f1.4, and 105mm f2.5 lenses

Polarizing , UV(0), Y2, LB1 (?) filters

Bogen tripod, bogen ball head, mini tripod

cable release, and other stuff


I don't like to carry all of that though, so I normally anticipate my needs and pull along the body with film and a single lens.

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I have one of those cheap aluminum tool cases the size of an extra-fat attache case, which I carry in the car, though I don't then carry the whole shebang when I go out walking. In the case, fitted with foam, is a Photomic FTn, with a 50 mm F2 lens, a 24/2.8, a 35-105/3.5-4.5 zoom, an 80-200/4 zoom, a Vivitar 20/3.8, a couple of extension tubes, a couple other gadgets and a flash. The case is heavy but compact. Tripod too, of course. A monopod also usually lives in the car, so it's available. Other stuff comes along in separate containers sometimes if I expect to need it: Second F with faster film, 35/2.8PC, 400/5.6, etc. It's too much, of course, but then again, maybe it isn't enough. I think I'd better check out the KEH listings again to find out what I need next!


Sometimes I leave it all home and stick either an Olympus XA2 or a Rollei 35 in my pocket.

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besides cameras and lenses, I got a short roll of electrical tape, a very small flashlight, at least 3 4-packs of AA batteries,some rubberbands, 2 safety pins, a tiny/jewelers screwdriver kit, a lighter,lens tissues,small tube of sun block,hand sanitizer packet or tiny squeeze bottle, and usually a bottle of water in the one side pockets if don't carry my fanny pack along too....and OCCASIONALLY a pepper spray canister if doing thru a rowdy area at night like walking from a parking area 3-4 blocks from/to a nightclub downtown to shoot a band or something.
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It differs from time to time, but lately I carry around a F3/T with MD-4, 20mm/2.8 Ais,

50mm/1.4 Ai, 85mm/1.4 Ais, and a 180mm/2.8 ED Ais. Lots of film, b/w and slide, red

filters for all lenses, two polars, and sometimes even a big tripod, when someone else is

driving the car that is.

At night, or early in the morning before going to work, I grab a lightweight FE with either a

noct nikkor or the 20mm/f2.8 Ais.

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My walking around kit is a small padded shoulder-slung camera bag, which contains:<br><br>



Nikkor 18-70 3.5-4.5<br>

Nikkor 70-300 4-5.6<br>


Hoya 62mm 1x-2x-4x closeup set<br>

Quantaray 67mm ND4<br>

Extra D70 battery pack<br>

Extra 1 gig CF card<br>

Canon Powershot SD 300<br>

Extra SD 300 battery pack<br>

Extra 512 meg SD card<br>

A dozen or more loose AA batteries<br>

Blower brush<br>

Lense cloth<br>

Mini tripod<br>

ML-L3 IR shutter release<br>

Off-camera stand for the SB-600<br>

Tripod shoe<br>

Body cap<br>

Business cards printed with just my name and e-mail address<br>

Several packs of Dentyne Ice<br>

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Smaller LowePro bag: D2X body, 12-24mm f4, 17-55mm f2.8, 85mm f1.4, 60mmf2.8 or

105mm f2.8, Sekonic meter, SB800, Polarizors for all, lens tissue and brush, extra

flashcards, remote cord, instruction booklets, grey/white card, extra tripod mount plate,

extra batteries, glasses, harmonica or two (or three, different keys), business cards, pens,

sharpies, notepad.


Larger LowePro bag: above plus whatever I need for the job, probably D1X body (back-up

or additional body) 2 or more of the remaining lens: 10.5mmf4, 35mmf2, 50mm f1.4,

70-200mmf2.8VR. 300mm f4, Custom bracket tripod vertical tilt devise, more



As stated above, the bag gets packed for a specific job and repacked for the next. If I am

travelling I might bring both and pack the smaller bag as needed.

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Like many, I have an inexplicable amount of stuff I don't really need anymore.


For a Nikon FM3A: 28/2.8 AIS; 50/1.4 AIS; 105/2.5 AIS; SB-30 & Vivitar 2800 flashes.


For a F100 & N90S: 24/2.8 AF-D; 35-70/3.3-4.5 AF; 50/1.8 AF-D; 85/1.8 AF-D; 28-105/3.5-4.5 AF-D; 80-200/2.8 AF-D ED; SB-80DX flash.


For a D70: 18-70 kit lens, SB-800 flash, and all of the other AF-D lenses above


For a Mamiya 645 Pro TL: 120 Back, 80/2.8, 45/2.8, 150/3.5, 2x converter, AE Prism; Vivitar 285HV flash


Sekonic 358 Meter, Bogen tripod & pan/tilt head, filters, bags, etc.


And daily promises not to buy any more stuff.


I only recently acquired the Mamiya system, and use that and the Nikon FM3A almost exclusively now. Sadly the F100, N90S, and D70 are sitting idly.


For a while, I've been thinking of donating the N90S with the 35-70/3.3 AF lens to a school somewhere, but it was the first camera I truly loved. Hard to part with good stuff, however redundant.

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Here goes...


D70 + kit lens, 2 Fg-20s, N8008s

Nikkor 50 f1.8 E

Nikkor 50 f1.8 D

Nikkor 100 2.8 E

Nikkor 28-80 f4-5.6 D

Sigma 70-300 DL Macro

Vivitar 28-90 f2.8

Tamron 80-200 f5.6 (old manual focus)

Kenko 2x telonconverter

Nikon sb-24 speedlight

Various cords and doo-dads

A bizillion filters

Manfrotto aluminum tripod and ball head

Generic aluminum tripod (usually for placing the flash off camera)


Kiev 19 w/ 50mm f2

Pentax ZX-10 w/ kit lens (my wife's, but I'll use it occasionally)

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shooting digital:

fuji s3 pro body with 2Gb card/

flashtrax PSD 30Gb HD/

sundry cables and cords/

nikon 50mm 2.8D/

nikon 105mm 2.0D/

nikon 70-300mm 2.8D/

tons of AA batteries/

filter wallet with 8 filters/

FE2 black with 400 tri-x loaded (just in case)/


shooting trad:

N90s x2/

lenses as above PLUS/

nikon 35mm PC shift 2.8/

nikon 24mm 2.8AF-D/

minolta IVF meter with spot/

SB-28 flash/

rolls of film/

dark bag/

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Film based: F3 with MD4. Whatever lens I happen to be enamoured of at the moment, and another one at the opposite end of the spectrum.<p>Flash - either the SB-17 or the SB-21 ringflash.<p>Some filters: Polarizer, graduated gray 2 stops, B&W filters: yellow, orange, red. These are in a filter stacker. If I'm interested in Macro, I will also bring the 5T and 6T closeup lenses which are in their own 62mm filter stacker.<p>Double-bubble hot shoe level. Cable release. Microfiber cleaning cloth. Hex wrenches for Arca-Swiss plates.<p>Digital: Olympus D540 P&S camera with a 256MB xD card.<p>Film P&S: Canon Sure Shot Tele. If I'm shooting B&W, it will have a yellow or orange filter on it (it has 40.5mm filter threads).
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I hope no thief?s are perusing this forum because you guys have lots of goodies in your bags 


When I?m following my wife and newborn around or on a trip I usually have: A canon backpack with electrical tape covering the canon tags (cheapest camera backpack I could find). Inside I usually have a D50 and a 24-85 G ED IF Lens and a 75-300 push pull for surf shots. I also have an FE with a 50mm f1.8 manual focus for black and white (used to be my main camera till I got the D50). A Canon Elura minidv to capture funny (at least to my wife and I) baby faces and noises. Last but not least I have a Bronica S2A that I just inherited from my grandfather along with three lenses, 50mm Nikkor, 100mm Bronica and 200mm Nikkor. I?ll be using this along with my tripod for landscapes and maybe some family portraits (or when I want to try and be Ansel Adams?I know, not a chance).


Unfortunatly I have a seldom used (since the D50) Olympus OM-4 with 4 lenses. I?ll probably end up Ebaying it or something.


I'm not sure what this forums purpose is other than just to see what's under everybodies hood, I guess :)

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A small GN 16 (metric) flash, a pack of lens tissues, a bulb blower/brush,

a couple of rolls of whatever film, and either a Konica Hexar Silver AF with 35mm f2 lens or a Nikon FM2N with 85mm f2 AI lens both fitted with UV filters. The KISS approach to photograhy.

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Hmm...depends on where I'm going and what I'll be shooting. If I'm loading up for the unexpected...


D2X + D70

12-24mm, 18-70, 70-300 (lightweight zoom), 80-400 VR, 50mm 1.8, 105mm Micro, Kenko extension tubes.


SB800, flash bracket, flash cord, mini diffuser


Polarizers for each lens, Grad ND, Warming filter, IR filter


40GB portable hard drive, Spare battery for each camera, spare batteries for flash, lens pen, rocket blower, nut driver for tripod legs, small flashlight, sunscreen, insect repellent, small notepad, pens, model release, property release, extra quick release plate, extra CF cards (usually take 5GB with me), Camera manual, a few moist towelettes (to clean insect repellent off my hands because it wrecks the finish on my lenses), a handful of tissue because you never know when nature will call, a handtowel to wipe salt spray off my gear because I frequently shoot on the beach.


All packed in a Tamrac Expedition backpack (I have two smaller packs for carrying lighter loads)


Of course, a very sturdy tripod. I wear a baseball cap because it comes in handy as a lens hood when needed. If rain is in the forecast, I'll also have a slicker handy. Water bottles as needed.


I will rarely hike much distance with this load. It's about 28lbs. and I'm a whimp. If I'm going more than 3 or 4 miles, I'll whittle things down considerably. I might split things into two packs and beg my husband to carry a bit of the load. If I'm shooting mostly from my car, I might take along a Holga or one of my film bodies. I also have a Nikonos that I keep planning on using while snorkeling in the springs.

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"Light", commonly used kit:

Nikon FM3A + 20-35mm f/2.8 + 105mm f/2.5


Full 35mm kit:

Nikon FM3A + 20-35mm f/2.8, FM2 + 105mm f/2.5, 50mm f/1.4 in the bag



Nikon D70 + 20-35mm f/2.8 + 50mm f/1.4 + SB-600


I also have a 180mm f/2.8 AFn which I seldom (if ever) take with me anywhere-- a truly irrational purchase but one that I cannot bring myself to sell.

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Nikon D70, Nikon N65, Leica M3 (sometimes my Voitlander)

28-70 f2.8, 80-200 f2.8, 70-300 f3.5-4.6, 50mm f1.4, 60mm Micro f2.8, 28-80G f3.5-f4\, Tamron x1.4 teleconverter, and an extension tube set. Cokin Grad ND(2,3 stop), Grad Tobacco, Blue/Yellow Pol. B+W c.pol., Tiffen UV's and cpols, ND filters and lots of stepping rings. Red, Yellow, and green filters. Spare lens caps and body cap. 58mm, 67mm, and 77mm rubber lens hoods. Nikon Sb-23s and a SC-17 cord. Lens pen, micro-fiber cloths, gaffers tape, sharpie marker, ball point pen, pocket knife, Leatherman tool, hurricane blower, spare batteries for everything. Fuji 100,200,400,800 iso film. Efke 25/50, Tmax 100/400 film, Velvia and Provia. Wein digital slave and normal slave, 6' p.c. cord, colored celophane squares, and a Promaster manual flash. Two huge ziplock bags. Extra quick release plate for the tripod. A small UltraPod tripod. Instruction manuals for gear. Business cards, a $20.00 bill, and a film can full of quarters. Advil, bandaids, safty pins, sunscreen, toothpicks, and insect repellant.

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