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URL for Les Gediman's new website


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Dear fellow members,


I have been AWOL from this forum for quite a while. For those that

are interested in my old Italian photos, I have about 30 of them

on the following site: Lester Gediman


Most of these haven't been seen before. All were taken with a Leica

IIf RD with a coated f2/50 Summitar. The largest majority of the

Italian photos were taken in Florence. Other locations are noted. The

period was 1958-59 when I worked at SMA an Italian radar company, now



I am buying a Leica IIIf from Mike Elek and a twin of my original

coated Summitar, gone since the 60s. That was the lens used in all

the Italian photos in new website. Though not pre -70s FYI there is a

Voightlander Bessa-R and 35mm Color Skopar in the package deal. I

have half the outfit the rest is enroute.


When I get reacquainted with the Leica outfit, I'll post some current


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Thank you Edwin, Michael, Luis, Vivek and Bill,


Such sweet words from a group of people whose judgment is peerless. Joking aside, thank you all for your comments and support.


Now comes the acid test to see what I can do with the same equipment almost a half century later. My eyesight has degraded from 20/15 to not clearly seeing the E at the top of the eye chart in my right eye; that one has a hole in the macula. Fortunately, most rf cameras have vf on the left.


Loading from the bottom again will be a challenge. The only item I have left from my old Leica outfit is the template for cutting a leader. I knew there was a reason to hold on to that item. It will serve me well, because I still use bulk film for b&w.


Holding the camera for slow speeds is now quite difficult. Tripods aren't the greatest for candid street work that I enjoyed doing so much. I never tried a monopod. Guess I'll have to use faster film.


Thanks for looking at my portfolio and responding with your individual comments. I do cherish each and every word.

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I share your view, in spades.




For being so patient for your prize--I just figured out what the prize was for-- here is a photo taken last fall, when I went AWOL.


It was taken with a Rollei 35 that I got in a yard sale for the price of a cup of coffee at Starbucks. FYI, I never spend that much on coffee; I have my own espresso machine. Yes, for $2.50 USD I got a Rollei 35 made in Germany in poor shape. But the master of Rollei 35 repairs, Mons. Nicolas Douez, gave it life support attention over a weekend *before his vacation* and put that Humpty Dumpty of a beauty back together again.


It works wonderfully well. Oh, BTW, I had both elbows on a flat monument, otherwise there would have been camera shake with the ambient lighting and speed of film used.<div>00ELUq-26731384.jpg.21720c3e6801ac11744b2a324117f555.jpg</div>

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Thanks for comment, but the scans in my Flickr account got a big hand from George Bugomirskas. He has been refining my best scans for quite a while. In particular all that's destined for the new website. At the moment Flickr is the residence for my Italian photos of the late 50s. The scan of the cemetery above I did from scratch.

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Well, there you went and did it. Broke BILL MITCHELL Rule No. 1: Posting a photo taken with a classic. But maybe it's exempt because it was taken with a Leica. There's only one guy on this board who comes close to your own work, and he's an asshole.
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