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EOS 3 latest ediction


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Hi to every body,

reading the following replay to e previus message:

"MOHAMED ALAM ELDIN , oct 04, 2005; 05:41 p.m.


Eos-3 is agreat camera but be sure tohave the one with the latest

firmware where the Cf is 19 as the fist firmware with Cf17 which will

result underexposure 2/3 to one F stop. IN this case you have to send

it to canon center to update the firmware.


I have also Eos-1V which is still the best boady ever Canon produced,

you will have same feeling and metering when use Eos-3.


Good shooting"


I checked my EOS3 and found that the latest CF is 17!

Pls. could somebody tell me more about the revision of EOS 3 and its

under exposure problem.

Does the first revision have more problems?

I did not read anything more about this topic.

Could you address me somewhere to found sometinght more

Thank's in advanced

Best regards from Italy

Ciao Andrea

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Too bad about the EOS 3 misinformation. This topic has been dealt with hundreds of times

since 1998 and yet the misinformation never seems to go away. The internet myth of EOS

3 underexposure was perpetuated by paranoid people complaining on lists and boards.

Most of them were afraid they suffered underexposure but hadn't actually confirmed it by

shooting chromes of medium toned objects in low light! However, there is a thin thread of

truth at the root of this rumor. When the EOS 3 was introduced in 1998, the first batch had

an error in the metering algorithm that produced underexposure (1.5 stops) at EV6 or

lower. In brighter light it was fine. Thus, camera journalists and early adapters cried foul

and Canon immediately fixed the firmware on subsequent samples (e.g., my 1999 EOS 3 is

fine). Amazingly, after nearly 7 years without problems, this myth seems to never die.


The 21-zone Evaluative metering system is amazingly good. I have shot untold rolls of

chromes and got nothing but good exposures. I used multispot metering in tricky lighting

for a while, but usually ended up with the same exposure as Evaluative metering. However,

there is one aspect of metering I found different than other EOS cameras: the active

focusing point strongly influences exposure. In other words, the object you focus on is

given more weight in the camera's exposure calculation. My Elan 7E and A2 bias exposure

slightly towards the AF point and tend to average the overall scene. The EOS 3 exposure

bias is good most of the time just as long as you're aware of it. However, you must be

careful not to focus on unusually light or dark areas and thereby throw metering off. If you

like this type of control, you can go wholehog and link spot metering to 11 individual AF

sensors (Custom Function 13-1). Then, use ECF to select individual AF points for focus

and spot metering.


After using this camera for 6 years, I can say that it performs as advertised. I mainly use

the EOS 3 to shoot on the beach and other wet environments. It took dust, rain and

splashes without flinching and proved to be utterly relievable, cranking out well exposed

and focused chrome after chrome.


Incidentally, the newest firmwear does not ofter CF19. If you want CF19, it costs extra

even if the body is under warranty. However all models made after 1998 include the

corrected firmware.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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Is there a serial number cutoff so you can see what the original versions were versus the corrected (at the factory) versions? In other words, from serial number (first one made) to number is the original uncorrected version and all higher numbers are the corrected version?
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CF-18 relates only to the -1V, and to keep the numbering consistent Canon did not use it at all for the -3. CF-19 controls the function of the stop buttons on the Big White Lenses and has no effect unless such a lens is in use.


My own -3, made in 1998, systematically underexposed by 2/3 stop by comparison with my EOS-1 and several other Canon bodies I was able to check, all of which I regarded as giving correct exposures. Whether this was a firmware bug, an incorrectly adjusted parameter, or a combination of the two, I shall probably never know, but Canon sorted it out for me and it worked perfectly thereafter.

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There is a way to check for the metering fix via the serial number. It involves the first few digits of the serial, and any made with a certain number or higher are free from the error. Sadly, I can't remember what the number designation is. Ferret around in the archives for awhile, and you should discover it. Plus, even if you do get one with an earlier serial it might have had its firmware modified by the previous owner. I'm guessing that if you already own a 3 you would have noticed this problem by now :)
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"Too bad about the EOS 3 misinformation"


Hi Puppy,


I respect your opinion very much.


Please note that:

1- I have same problem with my brand new EOS-3 and my answer came from the internet which is open source for every one where you can search and find a diffrent answers.


So the information in the internet is not a few pages that it should be covered as every boady knows.


2- My previous post which adressed for this thread is my own opinion acording my search and that what I'm ended to.


3- MY EOS-3 IS BOUGHT BRAND NEW LAST YEAR AND ITS SERIAL IS 3017361 AND IT SUFFER FROM UNDER EXPOSURE and this is why I bought 1V (which I'm very happy with)as upgrading the firmware is not avaiable where I live now.


4- Every possible way has been TESTED AND COMPARED WITH 1V ( by using EF L lenses by puting the 1V and 3 to a tripod and to photo same target many mnay times by me and a profissional friends AND NOWAY.



So please update your information according to this facts.


And please remember my post is to help other fellows and not something else


With my all respect and appretitions to you and all the fellows.


Best regards

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