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LCD monitor color shifting, time to get a new one?

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My less than 2 year old Planar 19" LCD monitor is shifting colors. I

just calibrated it and then it turned very blue. When calibrating the

monitor I had to move the red and green to almost nothing and blue to

the maximum.


Does this mean that my monitor is now kaput and not easily fixed?

Hard to imagine that this should happen in less than 2 years.

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I'll throw this out there as a novice mistake I recently made...


I bought a Spyder to calibrate my Dell 18" LCD and also ended up with a blue cast after I "calibrated" it. I too used the individual RGB sliders until the Spyder's software said the color temp was 6500K. Seeing the blue cast on all images when I was done, I did the calibration again, but instead used the color temp presets that my monitor controls had available. I'm not at my home monitor so I can't check, but I think I had to use the "Red" preset. After that, finished the profiling, looked at some sample photos and the colors looked right.

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I did calibrate my monitor with the Spyder and photocal. Originally, it calibrated fine but now the colors shift often while I am using the monitor.


If this could be due to a faulty cable (I do use the 15 pin RBG) then maybe I should change the cable?? Anyone else have success by changing the cable?

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