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Canon 28-300mm f3.5-f5.6 L IS USM lens


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I have the 35-350 (the predecessor of this lens) and the only thing that would part me from it is a 28-300IS.


Make no mistakes - used properly (ie within its abilities) it performs superbly. As a one lens outfit it is without equal. The newer version is by all accounts an even better performer.


My 35-350 has been used in conditions that would make your mother turn pale (with worry about you!) and never failed me. The one time it got filled with rain (Scotland is wet sometimes) and the EOS1n it was attached to started to misbehave, I was able to dry it on a radiator overnight and it has worked perfectly for years since.


Built to last.



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Pascale Rodot , nov 24, 2005; 12:21 p.m.

***Has anyone tried that lens and how is it like?


It is big, heavy and expensive...but I love it :)



***Does it worth the money?

Is it worth the money? Only you can answer that...for me it sure was



***I plan to buy it in December so I'd really like to know ur thoughts and opinions about this lens and any advice u may have. Thx in advance for ur help. :)



I used the 28-300, 35-300 and 100-400 and the 28-300 was the best of the bunch, but it should be for the cost. I too use this lens in all kinds of conditions shooting sports and think it's a very good lens. Photos need a bit more sharpening at the longer end on occasion but it's no problem, to print a 14x19 I really wouldn't have to do any sharpening. All of my latest photos were shot with this lens so take a look (it's the file with 5 photos in it) Oh, it does very nice closeups too!



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Thx u guys for ur answers! I had a look at that link for the other thread and then at some galleries where the pics have been taken with that lens, And I'm not that impressed! I mean, at the moment, I have the 90-300mm lens by Canon, from the basic range, and I didn't see much difference in the quality of the images! But maybe it's cos the images weren't that good? I don't know...I'm kinda confused...I thought the quality of this lens would totally impresse me and so far, what I saw isn't THAT impressive! Not sure if it's because the photographers didn't use it properly or what? o_O
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Well, I want a lens that has a wide range of options cos I shoot mainly candid and street photography so I don't want to have to change lens when I'm in a the streets, shooting, and I want a L glass for obvious reasons! I have a Canon 20D and that lens seems like everything I can dream of. 28-300 would be just perfect for me! But for what I saw so far, I mean, images that have been taken with that lens, I was expecting a much better image quality, more crisp! And so far I've been disappointed at what I saw and that's why I asked if maybe it was because the photographers didn't use it properly!

Now, if u have any suggestions about what lens of the L serie u think would be better, plz, I want to hear it! :) Any suggestions is more than welcome!

Thx again for ur time guys!


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I bit the bullet and picked up this lens for some paintball photography. I wanted the wide range since as a "spectator", I'm confined to the sidelines, and typically inside the netting (so backing up isn't always possible.)


Sometimes the action is right at my feet, sometimes it's at the far corner of the field 180 feet away or more, and it's always so fast I have no time at all to be swapping lenses- as if I'd want to in a place where an errant paintball could smack a momentarily-open lensmount! :)


The 28-300 worked very well for me. Zooming is fast and smooth, autofocus quick and as accurate as the XT could get, and the IS allowed much sharper handheld shots than I'd been able to get earlier.


The drawback is that it's heavy. It's big and REALLY heavy. By the end of a normal day (six hours, thousand-plus photos) it started to be something of a chunk, but the photos it delivered were definitely worth it.


If I were travelling or hiking, I'd definitely spring for something a bit lighter, or split it up between a small, light wide zoom and a small tele zoom, but for what I needed it for, it worked great.



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Christof , exactly , it is a HUGELY intimidating lens and not only attracts the attention of the subject , but also attracts attention from less desireable elements which can make one feel rather nervous. Not at all suitable for candid stuff

Pascal , I also think that the indictment of this lens being less than crisp is totally off the wall , if you look at the pics in my gallery taken with this lens at full size http://www.drgfinger.fotopic.net and you think that they are soft , then there must be something wrong with your monitor or something else. At the end of it all its also somewhat of an odd lens to use with a cropped camera if you want anything approaching a WA as it effectively is 45mm with it which is nowhere NEAR wide. Apart from that it is pretty insulting to say the photographer is rubbish cos you dont like the lens results , photography is an aesthetic thing and is subject to personal taste which is inviolate , however a lens results aren't

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@Rodney: First of all, my name takes an "E" at the end, as u can see in my last post, thx u!

Second of all, can u please copy and paste any sentences of mine where I said that "the photographer was rubbish" plz! Cos, well, I don't remember ever saying such a thing! I asked if maybe the photographer didn't use the lens properly and that's NOT AT ALL the same thing! So read properly before stating such things!

@Doc Nickel: Thx u very much for ur feedback. Nice to hear from someone who actually uses the lens! :) I really appreciate. :)

@Christof: "scare people"? *scratching head* Well, over here, people don't get scared because of a lens! ;) But thx for ur input anyway! ;)

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Pascale , here's what you wrote


I had a look at that link for the other thread and then at some galleries where the pics have been taken with that lens, And I'm not that impressed! I mean, at the moment, I have the 90-300mm lens by Canon, from the basic range, and I didn't see much difference in the quality of the images! But maybe it's cos the images weren't that good? I don't know...I'm kinda confused...I thought the quality of this lens would totally impresse me and so far, what I saw isn't THAT impressive! Not sure if it's because the photographers didn't use it properly or what?


You say you werent impressed by the galleries , the images were not that good , they were not crisp and then you questioned the ppl that had bought a $2000 lens abilities when using it - that equals rubbishing the photographer , after all they are inept and take lousy pictures , you just said so.

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