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Is this a good picture?


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It does look better cropped. i guess i was trying to force the fountain in to the picture.


now i have to play with photoshop to get rid of those people in the background. i'll play around with the patch tool.


here's another one with the fountain in it. how's this one? when including a fountain is it better to have it in the background versus having the couple right up on it?



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Its good, and is worth presenting to them after cloning out the people and light, if its any kind of album shot or enlargement costing additional money. For that shot I kind of wanted to see the bride more, my only real complaint.


I like both versions.


As far as recommendations for future shots? In the first photo my honest reaction is that it looks a little too posed for my taste.

I was more comfortable with the second where the fountain is used as added context to your background.


I think including parts of the venue are important if they spent the bucks on holding the wedding there over just some hall somewhere.

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I like the idea of having him looking at her and framing it so you can see his expression well. In terms of using the fountain, could you have gone around the fountain and shot them through the jets of water? Which is it you plan the use again, that composition or the fountain specifically?


And perhaps most importantly, did they like it?

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Understanding the bride isn't going to get any smaller, if I wanted to keep the image 4x6, I'd do a little burning on the fountain and the bouquet. I'd do a little burning on her body to make her size a little less noticeable. Finally, I'd get rid of the people and the man-made distractions in the background.<div>00EsOc-27548384.jpg.a118e2beec89318bf1a4429843711343.jpg</div>
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All good feedback. Thanks.


Chris/Eric, eliminating the people and lights is the way to go. i'll do that.


Bruce, I actually like with the fountain included, but it also works without as you suggested. What I'm doing is revising my portfolio with new pictures and may just included both versions of it. but with the fountain is my favorite.


Steve/Dale/Mike, I realize now why I was doubting this photo and it's because I can't see enough of her. you're both right, she should have been on the other side. and yeah, her arms do look kinda big. she made a lot of "i look fat" comments when looking through the proof book. but she still loved the picts.


Mike, I plan to use that park again with the couple leaning next to the fountain in some shape or fashion.


Eric, excellent job with cloning! I don't have a lot of experience with cloning but I will try and duplicate that.


Jared, I agree. I usually ask folks before I remove moles and zits. Some people wanna keep that stuff for whatever reason.


Thanks again everyone!

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I feel the pose hunched over is not flattering at all. Second and the most crital is use of the

wrong lens. It appears that you used a wide agle lens wich is the main reason for the great

depth of field . I would choose a long lens next time say aroud 200 at f4 would make a

dramatic difference.



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I agree with Marc's cropping and the suggestion that a more appropriate lens should have been used.


I wouldn't condemn the bride for her size, but I would question her taste in gowns. Why do heav brides with huge arms insist on wearing strapless gowns and then complain about looking fat in their pix? I also think that the bride's mother, maid of honor, best friend--somebody--should be more outspoken.

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"Why do heavy brides with huge arms insist on wearing strapless gowns and then complain about looking fat in their pix?"



Because the brides think they look good in the dresses until they see the wedding photos. There is something about people viewing themselves in photographs that allows many to see themselves more objectively. Photographs of people capture the difference between the way they intend to appear and the way they actually look.



As Diane Arbus noted: "(E)verybody has that thing where they need to look one way but they come out looking another way and that's what people observe. You see someone on the street and essentially what you notice about them is the flaw. Itメs just extraordinary that we should have been given these peculiarities. Something is ironic in the world and it has to do with the fact that what you intend never comes out like you intend it."

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I loike Marc William's crop. Had I known how to take your photo and crop it and re-post it, I would have done exactly the same.

A note on oversized brides from a newbie...Maybe you have to try and figure out how your bride feels about her appearance. I find that some overweight people are very confident and have no problem with how they look (just go to the beach and there are women 250lbs in bikinis. They MUST know they don't look right in a bikini but they are making some sort of statement that they are proud and confident in their body. I wonder if some brides would actually be offended if all the shots of their arms were cropped? Its a touchy, fine line and I guess the photographer has to stay on the cautious side, but just a thought....

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"I wonder if some brides would actually be offended if all the shots of their arms were cropped?"


I agree with Lauren. I think she's attractive in both shots - she's pretty, her dress fits properly, and she looks happy. I honestly can't imagine most brides would appreciate being cropped out of her own wedding photos.

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Well, I'd totally agree if you were cropping a bride out of every shot to avoid showing

weight. But this is just one shot ... and something you might do design wise even if the

bride was a stick. It's the pose that doesn't work. No one looks good hunched over. Not

this girl, nor any bride.

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