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Business name?


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What kind of business name do people find the most appropriate for

promoting their Wedding Photography? Using their own name like "John

Smith Photography" or something more abstract like "Wedding Snappers"

(thats just an example to make the point!).


I suppose this is a branding question. Its generally considered that

branding is easier and more memorable with abstract wording. But does

that make it less 'personal'? From what I've noticed most people just

use their own name.

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Try doing a search under "business name" and you'll get several post like this one: http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00E9nO&tag=


I kinda like "Wedding Snapers"............My studio name, D'Wesley Portraits is my first initial and middle name...the reference to portraits was intended to convey my appreciation of traditional coverage and fine portraiture.

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I choose to brand my own name (vanity?) but however, this can be tricky in future because people wants you to shoot, they rent you.


If you take weddingsnappers, it can be any photographer which you hire. People expect to get a snapper, no matter who.


As an extra to my name I used 'Weddings & Portraits' to let the people know what I am doing. Recently I changed this in 'Weddings Only' to let the people see I am really specialized...

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I did put a lot of thought into this very thing when i first began two years ago. I had a 5 year buisness plan vision that i wanted to implement slowly, and one that had no limits to growth. My desire was to build a good firm wedding photography buisness and when the growth exceeded what i could personally do myself, then it would then be time to hire additional photographers that represent my business. So, after saying this, when you name your business after your personal name......then that is exactly what people expect - you doing the shooting. However, when you name your business "Wedding Snappers", then Wedding Snappers will be doing the shooting and that's exactly what the client will expect. In short, IMO, personal names will limit your growth to the work you can personally do while a phrase name has no bounds.

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I completely agree that if you wish to grow your business to a point where you employ other photographers (not just assistants), using your name limits you. If that's not your plan, though, I prefer the simplicity and sophistication of Your Name Photography/ Portraits/ Weddings whatever you choose to use to indicate your specialty. Why? Well, for one thing, coming up with an original business name in a ubiquitous field such as this is really difficult. There are few decent ones that aren't already in common use. Trying to come up with something original often leads to names that sound exactly so- like someone was trying too hard to come up with something original. The line between what is catchy and what is tacky is awfully thin. You want your name to convey unambiguously what you do, but you also want it to be something people can remember. Something that grabs attention is an understandable desire, too, but I've seen sooo many instances where good taste is sacrificed in the interest of grabbing attention. But keep in mind that this is coming from a language and onomastics snob who won't- unless she absolutely must*- do business at a place that uses a corny, contrived or otherwise ignorant-looking name. Seriously, I'm just that bugged by it. Substitute a 'k' for a 'c', pluralize with a 'z', go over-the-top with a cheesy pun or alliteration, and I'm just going to keep driving. Oh! And so help me, if I see a greengrocer's apostrophe, I may stop driving long enough to throw an egg at the signage (kidding of course, but man does that get under my skin).


*I shop at Once Upon a Child (children's consignment boutique). I can't help it. The bargains are too tempting to pass on, even if the name of the joint makes my skin crawl. It's about as catchy as calling it Pedophile Paradise.

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I have the same advice as the last few posts. I own a hair salon too. I am the only employee, I work in a room that was built as a salon in my home. When I had to come up with a name for my business (my salon) I thought a lot about it. I didn't want anything corney like Kim is saying. I wanted something Rich and Elegant sounding. I ended up taking my children's initials to spell the word "Ajenan". That is my salon name, "Ajenan Salon". Now, because I work out of my home and I am the only employee, people know I cut their hair. They go to Kari Douma to get a haircut. Not too many customers know the actual name of my Salon. And when they do see it printed on my appt cards or business cards, they say "What is this name? Is that the name of your business?" Not only that, they don't know how to pronounce it. So, when I named my photography business, I just wanted to keep it simple, I wanted people to know WHO took their pictures, not what business. My photograpny business name is "Kari Douma Photography". Now, I don't plan on opening a large studio, and having other lead photographers shoot weddings under my studio name. I can see where that would conflict like people said.

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I chose to use my own name followed by "Wedding Photography".


Interesting thought that if you use your own name people expect you do be their shooter. Natuaral enough I guess. When we have our initial meeting we get that cleared up front.


Perhaps the most successful studio in town goes by her the owners name. Let's call it Lucy Smith Photographers. The people who work for her are called a "Lucy Smith photographer".


It works well for her. Someday I hope it works that well for me!

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I market under Studio Beni, my name as it's called and the studio is to reflect both the Wedding/event and portraiture side of my business.


That said most people in town call me up and say "are you the Rubinstein that does photography? We've got a wedding coming up...". My father is a prominent Rabbi in town and my family is well known in the community. It's my face that is my reputation not the business name, oh well, it brings in the business so who cares?

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I disagree that by using your own name limits you. Ask Dennis Reggie or Joe Bussnick. Had they chosen a name like (example) wedding snappers, you would not even know who they were, and I think they are doing quite well on the financial side.

I use my name.


Picasso- Painters-r-us?

Beethoven- the composers?

Dhali- Abstractions?

Ansel Adams - BigPrints?


I believe, after all, that although this is a business, it is above all else, art.

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Well, I guess the z in my studio name "fotografz" is tacky. Too late now.


Doug, be careful with the name. It can have marketing implications. "Wedding Snappers"

sounds inexpensive. Kind of " we'll pop by and take a few snaps for a few bucks".


We're I you I'd go with "Young Wedding Photography", (because who wants old wedding

photography?) ... your name itself is more memorable than most ... I say, use it if you've got

it. Best of luck.

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  • 3 years later...

<p>I know that this is old thread, but I'm also thinking about the issue. The problem is, my name is not that common or easy to pronounce/remember/write for most English speaker. I was planning to use my name: Jonathan Sutantio Photography or J. Sutantio Photography, but the problem is not everyone can remember Sutantio.This would cause a lot of problem using it as domain name.<br>

What does the experts in this forum say?</p>

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