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Possible vignetting on a Canon 10-22mm with filter combo?

will king

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I have a 20D. I am wondering if I will get any vignetting on my Canon

10-22mm lens with a thin Hoya Circular polarizer and a Cokin P series

filter holder with a Sing Ray 3 stop GND filter. Does any body have

this combination? I got the lens which I love but wanted to hold out

on the polarizer and filter holder until I find out if it will

vignette. Thanks.

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At 10mm the lens vignettes very badly with a Hoya circular polarizer and a Hoya neutral density filter stacked together. I suspect your proposed setup would do the same. If you zoom up into the middle of the focal range you can probably get away with it. But its unlikely to work well at the short end.


Polarization varies a great deal at across the sky. The wider the lens the more pronounced the effect will be. With an ultra wide focal length like 10mm that variation is going to show up big time and you can end up with color banding in the sky. It can be enough to ruin a photo. You can use a polarizer with wide angles but I think 10mm is just too wide for it to be practical.

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Will, for optimal results the polarizer should always be the first filter that light hits on it's way into the lens. I use Lee filters, and have a wide angle adapter ring just for my 10-22, with only a single holder and 100*100mm polarizer attached there is no vinetting, When I attach dual holders (to allow rotation of both filters and polarizer), typically for an ND grad and polarizer combo, at certain rotations the 2 opposite corners will show very slight vignetting, it's a pain but not a showstopper: and it's one I can get rid of by removing the ability to stack as many filters on the holder.
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Not sure about the Hoya filter, but I was getting some vignetting with a Tiffen used on a Canon 17-35mm when zoomed all the way out with the lens hood attached. A thin-mount filter solved the vignetting problem just fine, but the problem with using it was that the filter was so thin, there weren't enough threads in the filter to mount the lens hood.
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I got the Hoya thin circular polarizer and the square filter holder attaches on that where I'll slide the grad ND. I want to know if this particular setup will have a tendency to vingette at 10mm. Does anybody else have a solution/combination they would like to reccomend? Again, I want a circular polarizer with a grad nd, shooting at 10mm with little to no vignetting. Thanks all.
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I have this Cokin p-system and it does vignette even used without a circular polarizer on a Canon 10-22. Its not the filter but the edge of the filterholder that gives the vignetting.Its visible until after 13mm.There's another problem with this cokin p series filter holder in situations when you stand with your back towards the light. The light somethimes falls on the back of the filter used and this light reflects between filter and filterholder back at the lenssurface.So you'll end up with photo's with very bright upper corners somethimes.I usually hold my hand just at the back of the filterholder to prevent this from happening( looks really stupid).Now i have bought the expensive x-pro holder and its usable with a slim polarizer without vignetting or reflections.Its very large though.
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