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OT It is our fault.


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I think the companies and dealers provide the info. It is much less speculative than viewing figures because companies actually KNOW how many cameras they sold in each geography. Dealers in each country also know what sold and how many and to whom. Viewing figures, on the other hand, are guesswork.
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"Maybe there will be more favorable pricing moves in Western Europe"


Doubtful. Most of the extra we pay in Europe is because of high government taxes on 'luxury' items. (17.5 percent VAT here in UK. Higher in some other European countries.) Also the business taxes on dealers, distributors and everyone in the retail 'chain' including warehousing and haulage will be much higher than in the USA. It all adds up.


It is unfair to expect the camera manufacturer to take a cut in margin by picking up the bill for government taxation policy in any particular country. Not their job.

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Just a few thoughts :-


Obviously the digital point & shoot market is cut-throat to say the least and the big money for these companies is in the dSLR market - I seem to recollect that Canon said their dSLR sales were only 10% by volume but 30% by value. It maybe if more companies really chase the dSLR market then we will see greater price competition - there is a whiff of rip-off about all this.


"Household penetration" does in fact seem low at 39% sometime soon - I seem to recollect that film "penetration" reached somewhere close on 100% so there would appear to be some way to go.


Talk of a big swing to "replacement" sales in the near future would seem to indicate that the market is nearing the limit of it's initial growth spurt. The companies will not enjoy this as this is a much harder market to keep growing at current rates - maybe there is a touch of "planned obsolescence" going on to keep people buying the latest and greatest upgrade.


Nearly all the camera companies have had profit jolts ( aka Losses )in the last few years ( Canon I think has escaped so far ) and I reckon we are in for more amalgamations or technology sharing agreements or market sharing moves.


It will be interesting to watch.

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