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D200 vs D2x

claudio farkasch

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Well some migth think it's a bit early for this question but I'm in

desperate need of the opinion by this forum.


so my question is which camera body would you choose and why

the money is not the concern for me(not that i have it but what I want

I get - just try harder and harder)

I do al kind of stuff livemusic, fashion, arts, normal

touristshooting, sports and so on. simply anything you can do with the

camera I do it


I'm also very familiar with the specs of both cameras but had not the

time the get them in my hands.

and because in austria the shops/nikon is a late with the first

models(end of january) I thougth the forum could give me some hints I

might not recognize from the specs and holding the camera because for

a real head to head test there will be no bodys available in the near

future(especially D200)

I hope you can help me with this



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If money were not a concern, I'd buy the D2X because I like big heavy bodies. Show up at wedding with it and you look like a professional. I'd also buy a few 8GB cards to go with it.


For optimal value, I'd go with the D200 because the specs are too close to justify the extra money for the D2X. The D2X price in the US has dropped 10% (from $5K to $4.5K) and has an additional $500 rebate good towards other Nikon stuff to go with it. But the D200 is still too good.


It'll be a refreshing change from the usual Canon vs. Nikon flamewars to have a D2X vs. D200 flamewar!

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Since you are already familiar with the specs, the remaining step is to try them both in person. There really is no substitution for that. Most good camera stores should have demo units available.


To me, one concern is the D200's AF performance. It uses a new AF module that has only one cross-type AF point. If you shoot a lot of sports, that may be an issue.

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Just get a D200 hands down it has as many features as the D2x unless your doing editorial work and the 2 million additional MP are a requirement. Remember the D2x has a huge LCD that magnifies up to 400% nice because no other camera has, and a built in flash unlike the D2x. If you feel that the D2x makes you look more of a pro because its bigger, Nikon is introducing a Battery Grip for the D200 which should make it look very serious. Or wait a couple of years for the new (D3**) you get the picture.
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Personally I'd rather buy the D2x or D2hs, mainly because of the larger brighter viewfinder and probably the faster AF and shooting speeds.


Is that worth the extra several thousand? That's up to you to decide, I'm not saying it is (but you did say that money doesn't matter, I based my observation on that).

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Regarding D200 banding, here are a couple sample dpreview forum threads. It looks to be a relatively subtle issue, besides that the camera has been well received. Still, I think it is best if people have a perspective on what the latest chatter is about, and decide for themselves. Best, -Greg-







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thanx for all your answers first of all. I do really appreciate this. but with this bending stuff - I don't get it for me it seems there is something that happens and it's hard to say why, as far as I know by the threads. hmmmmm?

but what concerns me most is in which iso modes does occur this problem only in 400 as ken rockwell says.

this let's me think if the higherisos even get worse with this problem.

also what no one of you mention until now is that the d200 has a new CCD and the D2x has a CMOS. and I think the CMOS might be the better chip?

and sure I said money is not the deal but with the extra money I could buy a dedicated flash and a wideanglezoom on ebay or some thing else.

and you are right that testing both bodies is better then reading al post a bout D200/D2x bugs and comparrissons.

I think I'll try the D200 and with the bending I don't know. ii's an issue nikon should take care.

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I can suggest that you have a look at Ken Rockwell's independant review of both cameras -

here is a link to get you started.


Ken gives a pretty straight view of life and seems to get at the things we all want to know (eg

the ISO issue). His reviewing style is refreshing - and, as he constantly repeats, none of the

manufacturers give him the stuff he reviews - he has to buy it all himself!

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Now that Bjorn Rorslett's review is on line, we have some more detailed information comparing the D200 and the D2X. For instance, a difference between them that one might not have guessed just from spec sheets is that the D2X's batteries provide signicantly greater shooting capacity. See http://www.naturfotograf.com/D200_rev01b.html#top_page. Just another factor to consider.
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