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Any recommendation for a good Nikon wide-angle lens for the D70?


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I am in the market for a really good wide-angle lens for my Nikon

D70 and wanted your expert opinions. Don't want to spend a ton of

money but then again prefer quality over price. I currently have an

all-purpose Nikon AF Nikkor 24-120mm 1:3.5-5.6d from my F100 years

and would like to compliment that with a "wider" wide angle for

those intensely close-to-subject-matter shots. Any recommendation

on a specific Nikkor that is complimented by price, reliability and

performance are most welcome.

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it depends if you want to cover average wide (28mm) or ultra wide (around 15mm).


For ultra wide.. the Nikon 12-24 is very highly regarded.

Cheaper alternative are the Tokina 12-24 f4 , and the Sigma 10-20mm.

Both of those third pary lenses are excellent.


I've enjoyed my Sigma 10-20 for months now.


For average wide the Nikon 18-70 digital lens is supposed to be quite decent, the 18-55 alternative isn't bad either.


The Sigma 17-70 F2.8-4.5 lens is an interesting alternative that was just released. I would seriously consider this lens if you are leaning towards the Nikon 18-70. ( I would suspect the Nikon has slightly faster focusing).


In comes the swarms of people babbling about the horrors of third party lenses. The trick is goto the store, try the lens.. make sure its sharp... if it is.. buy it!


There... you just saved yourself hundreds of dollars on Quality Assurance, by assuring a third party lens yourself :)

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If it's just for the D70, consider the Nikkor DX 12-24/4, or the less-expensive but similar-length zooms from Tokina, Tamron, or Sigma.


12-24 would be a perfect companion for your 24-120.


I use the Nikkor 12-24 on a D70 and D2H and would recommend it highly.


Seach the PN Nikon forum for lots more comments and comparisons.


Also, FWIW, here's a review of the contenders by Ken Rockwell:



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Might I recommend you take ken rockwell articles with a grain of salt.. a large grain of salt.


He has a lot of odd seemingly amateur opinionated drivel that he writes off as "his own experience" while completely disregarding other perspectives.


Also his obsession with brands is a little tiresome, and pollutes much of his otherwise semi-decent articles.

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Here's another vote for the Tokina 12-24mm. I like mine very

much. I have shot the Nikon 12-24mm and love it even more, but

the price difference allowed me to put some change toward a

couple of other needed items.


Also, the Nikon 20mm f/2.8 AF lens is nice, albeit a bit pricey and

not much wider than your 24-120mm zoom.


I believe that nikonians.org has a comprehensive review of the

four wide zooms available.


Regardless of what you think of Ken Rockwell, he does make

the effort. I'll give him credit for that.


As for ego masturbation. If we can't please ourselves, who can

we please?

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For Nikon DX format digital, the 12-24 f/4 DX Nikkor is probably the best quality wide angle. It's expensive but at least it will grow with the newer cameras that you may buy (e.g. D200) with higher pixel densities, unlike the 20 mm AF-D I have.


BTW 28 mm isn't wide at all, it's a normal lens on DX.

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"...Might I recommend you take ken rockwell articles with a grain of alt.. a large grain of salt..." [Etan]


Knowing that some people feel the same way, that's precisely why I conditioned the link with "FWIW"


Although Ken certainly has his share of detractors, and at times is clearly either guessing or merely opining, I think his articles and reviews can be of value when read with the proper perspective.


Also FWIW, it turns out in this case that Ken's ranking in order of preference - Nikon, Tokina, Tamron, Sigma - appears to be echoed by a number of other reviewers as well as many users.

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