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What Leica R ens for bird photography

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Well, bird photography <b>starts</b> at 600. I have a 400, and it

ain't close to enough in almost all situations, so i resign myself to

shooting mammals. Actually, i would probably recommend, that if you

are serious about bird photography that you seriously consider

getting a Canon 600/4 IS and a 1.4X TC and a Canon EOS 1V body. Leica

glass although I'm sure it is good (I haven't used it), has one huge

limitation with this type of focal lengths - it doesn't have image

stabalization, which is VERY useful for stabalizing a 840/f4 lens

even though it is on a tripod... Then again, that is a huge financial

outlay, including the tripod you are looking at 11k-12k, so you would

have to be very serious (likewise any telephoto leica lens will

hurt). Auto focus is also extremely useful in shooting small moving

subjects. If you are less serious, but willing to pay 4500 for a

280/4 i would seriously consider a EOS 3 with a 300/2.8 IS with

teleconverters... this gives you a 300/2.8, 420/4 and 600/5.6 all

with autofocus... (at a cost of about 600 with TC's and the body) I

know it ain't a leica, but Canon does know how to make big telephoto

lenses very well (look at the big white lenses at the next sporting

event you see on TV). A "cheap" alternative (the one i have) is to

use a Canon body (I use the EOS 1V), but the EOS 3 would do well as

well, with a 100-400/4.5-5.6 IS L, its small for the focal length and

publishably sharp and IS really works well, i get tack sharp hand

held shots at 400 at as slow as 1/125sec (with good technique)...

that will set you back 1500 for the lens (new, i got mine used for

1100), and either 800 or 1500 for the body (I got my 1V HS used for


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I think that the suggestions are good if you are a city person

going into the wilds to photograph birds.




Now I am not. I live with them and they are everywhere. A 135

mm is the longest that I use. For most of the smaller birds it is a

50 mm or shorter. I use the longer focal length for things like

Osprey and Bald Eagles who are shy. Most other birds don't

mind me. You can spend big bucks for long lenses or can learn

to be trusted by the birds. Your choice. By the way, these are all

birds in my backyard.





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I had about 20 wild turkeys walk through the backyard while I

was typing this. All were hens. I am used to them in the winter.

In the summer, it is amazing how small their heads are. Oh well,

you notice these things when they are part of your world. Final

note, I have two peregrines fighting over something in the back

yard. Scared the hell out of the turkey flock.





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My most-used lens for bird photography is the 400mm f/6.8 Telyt, a

bargain among Leica lenses. Get one on eBay for much less than

$1,000. Excellent sharpness, color rendition, bokeh... whether it's

long enough depends a lot on you.




For some people 800mm isn't enough, while others use much shorter

lenses. I've seen some outstanding work by a guy who used a 50mm lens

with a 2x converter, hiding under an old army blanket. It's mostly a

matter of learning your subjects' body language and behaving so that

they will learn to trust you.




My review of the 400mm Telyt is at:





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Birds come in all sizes and temperaments. My hat's off to anyone who

can get close enough to any bird unaccustomed to being fed my humans,

with a 135mm lens, but most of us need really long glass and/or

blinds (a car with window mount qualifies where a car can go) to do

the trick. My hat's also off to Doug who uses the 400/6.8. I've got

one (a Visoflex version with an R adaptor) and due to a wrist injury

I can't work the focusing trombone with enough precision, plus with

the 1.4x it's too slow for me to focus well, or use fast enough

shutter speeds except with E200 pushed a stop. I've used it at a

local NWR mounted on a Hexar RF with a Visoflex IIa (instant-return

mirror)with Viso III prism, in AE...never fails to attract a crowd

(of photographers). I tried out a 280/2.8 APO-Telyt (the

discontinued version, not the modular one which is much heavier and

has a huge handle on top that snags tree branches)with the 1.4x and

2xAPO (and both, stacked)but there was one thing I disliked about it

that I didn't buy it: My technique is to use an Arca B2 ballhead

with the pan and fore-aft tilt un-locked but with some drag tension,

adjusting my horizon with the rotating collar. The Leica 280/2.8's

collar locks at pre-set positions with a click-stop, making my

technique difficult. So what do I use for birds? Normally a 300/2.8

AF-S Nikkor with TC14E and/or TC20E (they require a modification to

stack them together)with an F5, mounted on a Gitzo 320 with the Arca

B2 head. I also carry the 80-400/4-5.6VR on an F100 often with a

Kenko 1.4xAF-PRO teleconverter, mainly for flying birds. I'm

intrigued (maybe envious is a better word)with the Canon 300/2.8IS

but I'm going to wait for Nikon to straggle along because I've got

too much invested in Nikon gear to switch...at least not without

selling a good chunk of my Leica gear, which ain't gonna happen!

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Thanks everyone for the replies, and I love Doug's excellent bird

photography, it telephoto my eyes !

400 telyt /6.8 seems a good starting point, for standing still

birds, I don;t think my reflex is fast enough to catch flying birds.

<p> Later, I shall try to talk my wife into bird watching as hobby

then I may lobby for a bigger gun

<p> Pele Island in southern Ontario is an excellent place for bird

photography and bird watching.

<p> What kind of film to use ? Is EI 400 fast enough ?

<p> Bird photography is a new world to me

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Pele Island in southern Ontario is an excellent place for bird

photography and bird watching.




What kind of film to use ? Is EI 400 fast enough ?





It depends on the time of year. The first week of May is best for

photography since the plants near the lake don't leaf out as soon as

the areas farther inland. I found K64 was fine for most birds. Later

in the spring, and certainly now, the leaf cover makes the forested

areas very dark and I doubt 400 will be fast enough.

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Bird lovers, do you know that Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh

is a bird photographer and wrote a book about birds in southern





<a href="http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?

msg_id=0024FZ"> Birds in Southern Waters by Prince Philip</a>




Prince Philip included about fifty bird photographs taken with

a Hassy + 250mm lens and a Minox A camera.

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Jay, we do have man-eating birds here in Bavaria. (No, I didn't go

into testing after the whiskey thread.) The mute swans and certain

geese in the parks aren't shy at all and bite, and I had a hard time

getting my 50mm out of a few beaks' reach yesterday. Naturally, one

should use a Canadian-made lens for <i>Branta canadensis</i>.</p>For

"normal" bird photography, Leica doesn't offer the best equipment. The

modular system of the long tele lenses appears great, but who is

actually using (let alone owning) several components of it? IMHO

currently Canon offers the best gear for that area.</p>Art, I'd love

to visit your backyard!

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