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M6 TTL market value to the test


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I'm in no way associated with this auction per se, however, this is the first LNIB . 72 vf black M6 TTL (can be viewed as the 'standard' M6 TTL) that has been on eBay in several weeks, thus I think it will be an interesting indicator on the post-M7 market value for the M6 TTL. A couple of weeks ago, this one would probably be sold at at least $1,500.








Time will tell





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Anyone who sells their M6TTL today in anticipation of buying an M7

might be jumping the gun a little. Leica has a history of missing

promised intro dates by a long time, supplies are usually tight in

the first few months, and that first production batch is usually the

one with more than its share of citrus.

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The Economist have their famous Big Mac index to measure cost of

living/prices in different countries, perhaps we should start a Leica

index?! I think list price for a M6 TTL in the US is $1950

currently, apparently $2,000 in France, $1,500 in Switzerland - any

other takers?





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2442 Euros in Germany with 2 year guarantee. You get about 12% tax

back at the border if you live outside EU. In Switzerland you get

about 6% back. I think Switzerland is about the cheapest. You just

have to be careful not to get stung at the border (particularly by

French customs)if driving. Either leave the boxes behind or mail

them seperately if you want them.

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Eh Patrick, Hem,




Depuis que je lis différents forums, la France ne semble pas être le

meilleur endroit pour faire des affaires en matière de prix Leica!

Unfortunatelly, France is not the best place to have small prices for

Leica equipement! My second body is not for tomarrow :-(


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la meme comme la Suede, heuresement j'achete mon Leica dans les etas

unis (or something like that - it's been quite a while since I

visited France - and my native toungue is Swedish, but live in the US)









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