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550EX stuck in 350D hot shoe


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Hi,My flash (550EX) got stuck in the hot shoe and cannot be unmount.

I can unlock the flash but it just refuse to come out of my hot shoe.

I would be grateful if anyone have any idea what i can do before

sending it to service centre. Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 months later...
I cannot help you I'm afraid but I have exactly the same problem. So if anyone can advise please let me know. I mounted my Nikon SB 25 flash on to my Nikon D70 (I have done this many times before) but now the flash is completely stuck. There is some movement of the flash inside the hot shoe but no matter what I do the flash will not slide out of the shoe. If I try any harder I believe I will pull the hotshoe mount from the camera! Any ideas welcome.
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Unfortunately, I have no solution. However, I would like to add my experience to the list. The Nikon SB26 flash had no problems mounting to the fuji S3 finepix... but it will not come off. There is reference to a locking pin that is on the flash... but we are still trying to find a way to release that pin.
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