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FP4 Plus in Diafine Wilma Rudolph's grave and others

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Larry, I got to meet her right before she died at the Indy 500, and I had to literally beg her handler to let me get her autograph. Where is her grave located?


By the way, there are nasty reflections from the headstone, especially on the other photo of it in your gallery. If you reshoot it, try at a different time of day, and/or use a shift lens so you can move the camera to an angle and correct for the perspective, in this case sideways.


[You can also use the Perspective checkbox in Photoshop's Crop tool to adjust the angle.]

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I found FP4+ in Diafine to be an odd combination. I got some great nighttime photos under moonlight. But my daylight photos tended to look murky. I tried EIs ranging from 125-800 and couldn't find one that suited me for daylight use. Perhaps it needs very high contrast, which could explain why my nighttime full moonlight shots were good.
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