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Rangefinder alignment


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The vertical alignment of my M6 rangefinder seems to be off slightly,

the image that moves is about a millimeter higher than the image that

doesn't....there seems to be about a foot of difference in distance to

my M3 at 10', and I've just had the M3 CLA'd so I'm confident it's

accurate (and besides, there's no misalignment on it's rangefinder).

Is this kind of variation camera to camera normal (possibly due to

the .72 vs .90 viewfinders)? I haven't really noticed any difference

in sharpness, but difficult to compare B&W in the M3 to colour in the M6.

Anyone else have a similar issue with their M rangefinder?


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Mike, as long as the horizontal alignment is ok you can still focus with the vertical alignment slightly off. However, there shouldn't be a foot of difference at 10 feet (I'm assuming you tried both cameras with the same lens). One of your cameras needs adjustment, probably the M6, but if you don't notice any difference in sharpness (you might with enlargements or at larger apertures) you could leave it til after the holidays.


There are do-it-yourself rf alignment instructions floating around here on p.net and elsewhere, but I believe for the M6 you need a special screwdriver to do the adjustments.

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You can easily <a href="http://nemeng.com/leica/024b.shtml" target="win2" title="Click to open link in another browser window">test rangefinder accuracy</a>. There's also an article about <a href="http://nemeng.com/leica/034b.shtml" target="win2" title="Click to open link in another browser window">DIY rangefinder adjustment</a>.<br><br>Good luck! Damir
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Both the M3 and M6 pass the mirror test with flying colours...tried with both the 50'cron and 90mm 'cron. Both cameras were dead-nuts. Can't for the life of me figure out why they would be a foot off at 10 feet, the M3 reads 9' and the M6 reads 10' to the same spot on a straight on comparison, same lens. I did try measuring and it seems the M3 is correct, the M6 seems a trifle long...I guess I better try the infinity test.

Maybe I'm being a bit anal....the M6 is due for a CLA anyways, guess I'll shut up and pay.

Thanks guys, this is the best Leica forum I've ever seen, can't pry myself away. Guess I'll have to cough up a subscription as well...


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At least on the screwmount Leicas, the horizontal and vertical adjustments definitely interact. They both have to be right to get accurate focusing.


There is a third adjustment on the M series Leicas that effectively changes the length of the arm with the roller on it. This adjusts the "slope" of the rangefinder. If it's on at infinity, and wrong close-up, that would be the culprit.


Not expensive to have the experts fix this, and obviously worth it.

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Mike, Gerry Smith at Kindermann Canada is the "big gun" for Leica repairs in Canada (Gerry CLA'd my M4 last summer, excellent work, cost was about C$300).<p>A couple of alternatives are <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00EVLS" target="_blank">David Yau</a> and <a href="http://www.commercialcamerarepair.com/" target="_blank">Commercial Camera Repair</a>. I read here somewhere that one of the techs at Commercial Camera (I can't remember his name right now) was trained by Leitz Canada. Both are in Toronto. I've had a number of (non-Leica) cameras serviced by Commercial Camera and can say they do a good job.
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