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Getting the most out of Pictage (The real deal)


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That's right, if you want to get the most out of Pictage get out now

before you go broke on their rediculous print prices on 4x6 and

smaller! I have been with Pictage since October and have placed

several orders which have all had at least one problem. I am not

picky, I just expect good service from a company that charges a good

price. You know the saying " You get what you pay for." Not in this

case. Pictage asked me if I wantd to be charged an additional $3 per

print to get them to be correctly exposed. Hey, I no award winning

photograper, but I do pretty good as a professional. All I ask is

that the skin tones in my portraits and group shots are correctly

exposed. I know that sometimes a bride's bright whit dress may be

blown out to acheive this and that is my bad. However, the subject

of a portrait is not the dress. Who would like a beautifully

detailed and correctly exposed photograph of thier daughter in her

wedding dress when their daughter looks like she's spent a few too

many hours in the tanning bed!?


I have color corrected my monitor, had someone else check it, and

scoured the internet to find out what could be wrong with my brand

new Samsung 19 inch, but found nothing. I am using Adobe Photoshop

CS and a Gretag Eye. There should be no problem! All prints I have

received from Pictage have the correct color and appear exactly as

they do on my screen with the exception that they are underexposed.

It seems as though I am paying $2 a 4x6 just so it can be ran

through a machine with no quality control to check something so

basic and simple as correct exopsure!!!!! No corrections made at

all!!!!! What kind of lab are they running!?


To top off my issues with Pictage, all of my orders ( with the

exception of my first) have been printed on Lutre when I have

requested Matte. It's in my Studio Profile. There should be no



Oh yeah, it gets better. All of the prints I want redone have to be

mailed back at my expense. Then I have to fill out a redo form for

each order and each print with and explaination of what is wrong on

each and every one. Who has time for that this time of year?! When I

have aproximately (100) 4x6, (24) 3.5x5, (3) 8x10, (2) 5x7 (and one

missing), and (3) Proof Magazines!


I am cancelling and going back to MPIX until I can get enough sales

to sign on with Millers Professional Lab. Smugmug will host my

images so clients can still see them online and order over the phone

or through e-mail. I have NEVER experiences so many problems with

one company. And nevermind the cost. It wouldn't matter if they only

charged $0.30 a print. The product is terrible. The service is

terrible. The idea is awesome, but they have forgotten what really

matters in this business - the print.

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I have received some bad prints with Pictage - one of a ring in a white show that we SOOOO orange that it looked like something from the 70's. I'm becoming increasingly wary of Pictage print quality - when it works, it works, and when it doesn't, it doesn't :-(



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I definitely hear where you're coming from and will be interested in the responses to this.

I joined pictage as I wanted a one-stop-shop, but if a customer wants proofs (my basic

package includes the proof book only) I upload them to mpix to order those. The quality

is more consistent and way cheaper. I don't markup my pictage prices nearly as much as

most other photographers I've seen, but still feel they are too expensive.


By the way, do you have your color profiles set to sRGB? I've heard of people having

pictage print troubles due to this not being set correctly.

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I have used Pictage for 2 months and have had it. There is way too much going on in the site.If you call them for any question first you are hold for very long time and then they want to know how long you are member for? What is the membership level - all kinds of stuff. I am not calling DELL or some computer tech support to help me repair my computer. They are way too busy not helping you.


I have been using Collages.net for the last two years and I love it. They charge $39.00 per weddings or $70.00 per month with unlimited events. When a client places an order - you can use of the great photo labs from their list or do it yourself. My clients love the website that Collages helps me set up. Also if you have any question call them or email them - they will help you!! unlike Pictage.



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I haven't had much problem at all with Pictage (I've been a member for about a year).

One thing that occurs to me is to possibly eliminate the 3ᄑx5 size. I realize that's a peripheral issue, but I don't know many customers who are even familiar with that size - and 4 x 6 so similar anyway.

I've actually never had a colour problem with the prints I've received. And, while I forewarn all customers that all prints ordered directly through Pictage uploading will not be my responsibility, I'm still yet to hear even a whimper of dissatisfaction.

That re-do policy does sound onerous, though. I'm glad I haven't had to go through it.

And, yes, the waiting game on hold is annoying, as is the occasional delay in e-mail responses.

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  • 1 year later...

I was suckered into joining Pictage recently after months of badgering from their sales

team and offers of reduced prices and a free book. Now I am so frustrated it's not funny!

They are all marketing (themselves) and very little support and definitely NOT USER

FRIENDLY at all. Pictage REALLY SUCKS. It took over 5 hours to upload via ftp only 400

image, ok maybe not their problem, then it took eight attempts to finalize the upload, but

after all that I got an error warning on THEIR site that I could could not submit my "event"

because ONE file was a .TIFF and not a .JPEG and that I had to start the process all over

again. PICTAGE is not worth the price or the hassle. I live in Southern California where they

are based so I actually got to meet Pictage Rep Debra Gerson at a "PUG" (pictage user

group, where big name wedding photogs who probably get paid a kickback from Pictage

spout about how good it is) - what an unhelpful bitch - they do not care about their

customers! NO TO PICTAGE!

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well, it has been nearly two years since this thread started and I'm happy to say that switching to pictage was one of the best business decisions I made this year. Smugmug is easier for my customers to use and much more convenient for me to manage. A much better value that Pictage - so much that I call myself a pictage dissident now :-)
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  • 1 month later...

This isn't exactly an answer, more of a question: I was thinking about joining Pictage to handle my on-line ordering. I have been with Millers Professional Imaging for years and Love their print work and customer service but heard how wonderful Pictage was. Apparently I should beware?

What I just read and what Pictage is advertising doesn't add up. I would like to hear more.

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  • 7 months later...

I have been with Pictage now for 8 months and I wouldn't go back to my old lab! thats for sure. All prints I have

recievd have been perfectly corrected and flawlessly printed. I have ordered many of Albums, proof prints and final

prints with no problems whatsoever.

All prints have been 2 for 1 makes them a buck each 4x6, and they do remind clients when things are going to

expire, gift credits and such, by email. Not one client has felt drowned by these reminders. Most buy a few more

prints just in time!

The upload can be slow at times, that should be on our end not theirs, As far as I know.

I have had errors in uploads before where one or two images do not upload proper, in two easy steps Pictage and I

were able to resubmit those photos and all was well. Start the upload at night, go to bed, in the morning pictures are


Photos get delivered to you or the client, you choose, in very professional packaging. A black box with pictures

wrapped in bubble wrap and tissue paper. Clients have loved the quality of prints and packaging, and not one has

complained about the ease of use of Pictage. Which could be confusing if you have never used a computer before.

( But then how would they have found me?)

I do agree that some of these photographers that promote Pictage seem to be a little over the top but I feel thats

called marketing and it works very well for them. I am still jealouse that I do not get paid to use and promote their


For me Pictage is a no brainer, I went in with concern and came out very satisfied.


Mona: If you have any questions I would be glad to answer them honestly with an outsiders view from the inside.





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