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Stumbled onto a solution for corrupted files off of a media card!


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Thanks for the responses from many folks about my problem. That is corrupted files as a

result of switching a media from a D100 to a D70. Someone mentioned if I had not

formatted the card for use in both cameras, that is where my problem might lie. It seems

so. Anyway, I was able to revover the files first by going through a recovery program (did

not fix most of the photos, and clipped a large portion away), then opening them up in the

Nikon View Brower, not Adobe, and then saving the each file using the Nikon View Editor.

I was using version 5 for the Nikon Editor, which could not open any files, so I upgraded to

the latest version. Voila! Probrem solved! At that point I could then open it up in Adobe

photoshop and do my editing! Wow! What a circuitous route! Anyway, thanks for the help.

I know now what to do and what not to do!

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Glad that you found a solution. I would not have thought that would have been a problem even. Good to know. thanks for sharing.



I have a whole bunch of photos that I wrote to a DVD-R, I can list the contents but I can read only one file. grrr. I tried a lot of things with no luck. Does anyone have a magic solution that ? :)

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Feel free to file this under "For what it's worth..."


I am personally unimpressed with Adobe.

I purchased Illustrator-10 a couple years ago and there are so many bugs with it it is almost unusable. (And I'm certainly not alone with many of my specific issues with it if you sample the various User Groups.)


Their solution (after many, many hours complaining) was to spend more money and "upgrade" to the newer version. Yeah, right. How about giving me my $400 back?


I'm done with Adobe. End of story.

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Turgut, perhaps the disc was burned improperly, but anyway try examining it using a different OS. That is, if you are now using Windows to try to recover the data, use Linux or OSX and see if that helps. I've found that Linux, for some reason, seems to be able to read dodgy media better than Windows. This is a good reason to have a dual boot system, if not a Unix-only one.


Michael, sorry to hear about your experiences with Illustrator. Too bad they bought Macromedia.

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