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Grand Teton Day Hikes.


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My family is planning 8 day trip to the Grand Teton National Park in

late May. Much of the trip will be spent with family touring

around and the like, but I have two days where I will be able to

leave the group and do all day day hikes solely for the purpose of

feeding my photograpghy bug. :-)


I have ordered a ton of maps and guidebooks, but wanted to check

with any of you who have gone before me as to which areas I should

focus on during my two solo days. I will be hunting for



Thanks in advnace for any suggestions.



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i,ve been there about eight years ago,and went to the green river valley,you get there thru pine dale,on a dirt road,leads to a very splended lake, with a perfect view of flat top mountan,on the road in i saw moose and grisly bear.

teton has a hikeing trail called johnsons trail, about eight miles passed the elk refuge, there,s a small dirt road off the main road as you head west,this trail goes thru some of the most sceanic areas i have ever seen,wild life like elk,and cyote can be found there, bring some one with you.

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In my recent trips to the park I've seen more wildlife towards the north end of the park. Since you'll be there a little earlier than I usually go, there may be more animals near the Elk Refuge -- I usually just see a few moose, coyotes and birds. The areas near the laskes on the W. side (especially Jenny Lake) are also good for animals and there are several good trails in that area. Most of the trails at higher elevations will likely have a lot of snow still. You should be able to find Elk, and probably Bison, throughout the park -- the main thing to watch is the weather as that will determine where the animals will be. I also suggest that you go prepared for bad weather, I've been snowed on in mid-late June before. But if the weather is calm then it should be a good time to photograph -- too early for wild flowers though. You'll definately have a good time!


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