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Kodak Vericolor HC

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Hi Fine people.

I just got a huge Catch of Kodak Vericolor HC that has been frozen

from the day my friend got it and It is still frozen in my freezer.

It is 120 and I want to use it being it is ISO/ASA 100 I figure it is

mostlikely in good shape. I would like to know about this film but

the Kodak sight does not have any info on it even in the archives

that I can find. I have the box incert that came with it and the only

thing I know is it is not good for shutter speeds below 1 second. I

figure the HC stands for High Contrast. But other than that what?


Thanks I was out of the Photo Life for most of the 90's and did not

re-enter untill the first part of this century so be nice on my lack

of knowlege of what I call "Gap Films" LOL



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I could be wrong, but I think Varicolor was sold before Kodak came up with Gold and Royal Gold. I think it's a high contrast and a high satutarion film.


If it's been in the freezer for that long put the film you want in the fridge for a few days and then leave it out of the fridge for at least an hour before using it.

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