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Nikons I've owned - just got my new one


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my nikon f-90x arrived the other day and now I got myself two lenses -

-- will be sharing photos soon- ---


I used to have a n5000 then upgraded to the 7000 then about 5 or 6

years ago I had a f90x that I picked up for a steal... sold it when

times were tough ---


just got another f90x --- I also shoot a voightlander bessa r2 (had a

leica r3 - but it died on me) rangefinder and had a yashica diplomat

until last week when it was stolen (my own dang fault).


so, what nikons do you shoot? why those particular ones? What's your

dream nikon?

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I am fairly new too Nikon, I started with the F100 after years and years of using the Canon

A1 and F1, I figured I would go for fast AF to complement my normal medium format kit.


What a wild ride, due to work and people needing things faster and faster I dont use the

medium format nearly as much and use digital (D2h, D1x) and the F100 when I need



I did just get my dream camera, a black Nikon F! its well worn and a little ruff around the

edges ..........absolutely perfect!




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Lets see, I already have two of the three dream cameras I want. My Dad's FE2, with which he made some of my all-time favorite images, and his F100. The FE2 is just manual enough that I feel I know EXACTLY what I'm doing with it all times. I love the feel of it, and it probably one of my favorite physical objects in the world.


I love loading it up with T MAX 100 or 3200 and seeing what I can come up with. But when the processing is $30 for a roll, I start to think digital. The F100 is all the camera I think I will ever need when it comes to film. The AF, the film rate, the ergonomics, viewfinder, everything. It's as good as a 35mm film camera gerts. I never wanted to carry around all the bulk of a F5, and the F6 is nice, but for the dough, I'll keep three or four F100s on hand and not have to learn another camera.


Honestly, Nikon is about to make my dream camera. When the D200 hits, it will have the frame rate and megapixels I need for at least a decade. It'll meter with my old AIS glass. As long as the viewfinder, durability, AF, and Noise control are in line with the D50, D70, and D2X, I'll have the digital camera I've always wanted. I don't need to go over 20" x 30" very often, and it's basically everything I've been hoping for.


Now all I have to do is get one, and then get the glass I need to go with it. 17-55 2.8, 70-200 2.8VR, a 200mm VR 2.0, and a nice 85 1.4. The 18-200 VR might be a nice walking around lens. Then it's on to another D200 back-up body, another F100 back-up, and maybe some teleconverters. If only I had 10 grand laying around.



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My F301 (N2000) was my first Nikon and my first SLR. I got an old Nikkormat from my father a few years back - plus I inherited his now forty years old F. I'm in the market for an F100 plus 24/2.8 right now. I don't feel the need to go digital yet (film is way more fun, looks better to me and I like the idea of surprise - you never really know what you're going to get), but I might get myself a D70 or the like someday.
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I use a pair of F's, both Photomic FTn's (one for slides, one for 400 print film). I'm not quite sure these are my dream Nikons, but they're pretty close. I've had them a long time, so I guess I'm used to their quirks. I wouldn't mind a higher sync speed and a better mirror lock, but there's little else to complain about. I suppose an F2 might be closer to my dream Nikon, but not enough better to make me trade up yet.
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I loved my F4s I just loved the looks of the camera and its pro build.But it did have slow autofocus. I sold it and got a F5 which I love but now I also have a D70 and it would be so hard to go back to film, so the mint F5 sits in its bag as my backup camera, a back up to a D70 sad very sad. Happythanks giving everyone!
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dream nikon? for me a combination between a F4s and a D2x-> fullframe digitalCCD/CMOS-preferable, analog knobs like F4 plus the normal digitalstyle as well - i know this will never happen.

really i like those oldfashion wotkingstyle.


so i got a nikon FT3 and F4s and F401s and a fuji S2(ok it's no real nikon but looks and feels like one). I love my F4s thats a camera mostly I use i for AF related stuff and the FT3 I use only for B+W.

It's a good feeling to do everything manual keeps you awake in sense of photography.

If I ever got so much spare money I would buy me F2 maybe the photomic, and one of those gold anniversaryeditons

and there is this fisheyecamera from 1960 but it's hard to find




It just feels good that I can trust my nikons I would never give thme away except for the 401s. as back up the FT3 works perfect.

I got more problems with my S2 and the D70 I used then wih my analogstuff


I think I'm acquiring NAS anyway

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Had several Nikon Fs and Nikkormats back when they were new models. Later had a Nikkormat FT3 and a Nikkormat EL but sold them. A few years ago picked up an FM and an FE. Sold them and got an N90s but sold it when I got an F100. Then I sold the F100 after picking up a mint F3HP which will probably be with me for some time. Also have another FM as backup. Would really like to have an F4, too. Never owned an F2 which I regret.
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Started SLR life with a Nikkormat FTn chrome, added another black body which I traded in on a Nikon FTn, sold the finder and got a plain prism, got a FM, sold the FM. Years happened, got an S2 chrome dial and love the feel, just got a fixer-up Apollo FTn (last year(s) of production) and looking for a clean SP user. Still have my first Nikkormat and hope to hand it down to one of my sons to use many years down the road.


My dream Nikon is a black SP adapted for motor.


B2 (;->

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