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No Deposit received after several requests


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Merry Christmas everybody.

I got a couple who after seeing my work wish to book for a date next year. As I do with all

my work now I request a deposit of around 20% to secure that day. This was explained during

the consultation, again when they rang to confirm that they wished to book and once again

after I called them on Monday. From that call I felt a bit of an attitude and I feel like just

walking away. It is now 3 days on and still no deposit.What would you or should I do.

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You've done all you can--the ball is in their court. Three days is nothing to stress over in my opinion. Leave one more message next week stating that the date is open for you to work for someone else unless the 20% fee is sent. Don't hound them though--aggressiveness may backfire; they may be super busy with holidays.

<BR><BR>Best of luck, -CW

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Aggressiveness can backfire. Usually people care about their wedding photography, so if they are interested, they will get you the retainer, and if they aren't, it means that they don't want to. I think that it's rare for someone to just keep forgetting about it and delaying.


I just had a couple who were going to book, and I didn't hear from them for a week, and then they wanted to set up a meeting to do the check, and then another week, and they found another photographer. It didnt' surprise me at all.


That said, 3 days is nothing. One month is more like a long time. I would say give them a week, and then email/call and remind them that you need the retainer.

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within 2 weeks of them receiving the contract (I have to received signed contract and retainer together) I send them a "reopenning" letter explaining that I can no longer "temporarily hold" the date in question as retainer and contract has not been received and that the date has been reopened in a first come, first serve manner. And yes, I go right ahead and book someone else.

Don't stress over it. You've given them ample time to get things taken care of. If you hold every date for every bride who is trying to price shop around, you won't have a business. You make them a priority once you get the signed contract, until then they are simply a potential client. There will be those who will disagree with how I think about this, but keep in mind that I treat ALL potential clients with respect and do my best to sign them, but I don't "attach" myself to them, and until I get a signed contract, they aren't income to me.


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I send a letter, explaining that it's strictly business, and give them a final date to send the deposit. Usually a month. If I don't receive anything by that date, I send a registered letter telling them their date is open to others, and to check with me to see if the date is still available before sending their deposit.
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Patience, three days is no biggeeee..........if you get a call from someone wanting the same date, then you have an issue. And altho the couple might call or email, I never consider it a done deal till I have the deposit "in hand".


Now about the attitude. That was the perfect opportunity to say something along the lines of sensing that they were experiencing some discomfort and asking if there was anything wrong or if they had any additional concerns about their wedding photography that you could help clarify or address. My sense is that you just detected "some attitude" but didn't ask them what was up. Now is the time to explore expectations, needs, concerns, and assumptions to avoid issues further down the road.


Perhaps the attitude was them sensing a sense of urgency and/or pushiness on your part, relax and breathe. BTW, 20% is a pretty round figure....do you vary the percentage or are you clear with your clients exactly what the deposit amount/percentage is? (I hope this doesn't stimulate that whole deposit -vs-retainer discussion)

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Do not call them again. When did you meet? How much time has elapsed?


If you get another call for that date and still do not have the deposit, book it to the first person to send you a deposit and send a note letting the person who did not send in the deposit that they missed it.

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First - I tell every couple I meet with that I book on a first-come-first-serve basis and the retainer is the only thing that

holds the date.


If the couple seems real interested and I'm real interested in shooting that wedding - I will give a call to a cell phone or email the couple if I get another inquiry - just to let them know the date is in jeopardy.


Once they hear someone else is looking at the date - They know they stand to miss out on the date. They'll either call and say the check is in the mail - or - take a chance.



I've had couples book at our first meeting with a retainer and I've had couples tell me they want to book and are sending a check but end up waiting 3-4 weeks before sending it out. They know they are taking a chance. You never know what is holding things up.. Could be they are waiting for a few paychecks.

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First - I tell every couple I meet with that I book on a first-come-first-serve basis and the retainer is the only thing that

holds the date.


If the couple seems real interested and I'm real interested in shooting that wedding - I will give a call to a cell phone or email the couple if I get another inquiry - just to let them know the date is in jeopardy.


Once they hear someone else is looking at the date - They know they stand to miss out on the date. They'll either call and say the check is in the mail - or - take a chance.



I've had couples book at our first meeting with a retainer and I've had couples tell me they want to book and are sending a check but end up waiting 3-4 weeks before sending it out. They know they are taking a chance. You never know what is holding things up.. Could be they are waiting for a few paychecks.


I'd just give them a reminder email or phone call to let them know that without the retainer - you can't hold the date.

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Who is pursuing who here? Your business is more valuable if you are comfortable enough

to be pursued. When you chase clients it appears as though you are desperate for work

(and if you are, don't let them know). Do nothing and if another job comes along, take it.

If they change their minds and you still have the date open, lucky them. Too bad you

aren't in my area- I think I've burned out all of the photographers I refer brides too when

my dates are full!

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Thanks for your advice. Yeah Im gonna leave it and if someone else comes in for date,

fantastic I will give it them.


Today I have a wedding. It was booked in late September. Deposit received. Still no final

balance paid after several polite reminders. So is I turn up today and he does not have a

cheque. Its a nightmare. What a position to be in. How do you fancy tackling this on a cold

windy bleak December afternoon!!

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Simon, just leave it alone. Some people are slow to respond at this time of year. Just put that

date on hold and if someone inquires about the same date then immediately contact the

"hold" client and tell them the date is challenged and you need the deposit immediately. The

chances of a challenge in the next 2 weeks or so are slim. The chances of getting the deposit

are higher. But you never know.

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I tell everyone dates are booked on a first contract signed/deposit received basis for the date .. nothing less. If they are slow to commit and another couple come along that want the same date, I give the first couple a call or send them an email to let them know that I have another couple interested and if they want me to shoot their wedding, they should confirm their intent with a signed contract and deposit asap. Seems to work.
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