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Advice re new camera


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<p>Would you consider a used body to get a higher-end camera for your money? I don't know what camera prices are like in either the U.K. or the U.S. but I'm guessing that, for instance, a new 3 is going to be out of your price range but a used one might not be, so considering a used body might expand your options somewhat.</p>


<p>I would suggest moving up to something higher than a Rebel, given that you're serious enough about photography to be taking courses in it. So I'd say you should probably be looking at a 30V or higher. But maybe the 300V was adequate for you; only you know if that's the case. Think about what it did well and what features or limitations of it frustrated you, and then see how the various cameras you could buy handle those features.</p>


<p>If a 3 is within your budget, it's definitely worth considering; it beats anything below it in a number of ways. It also has some drawbacks; obviously, it's more expensive. It's bigger, heavier, and louder. It lacks a pop-up flash; personally, I wouldn't miss that, as I much prefer an accessory flash (better power, less red-eye, and the very important ability to bounce), but for some people, a pop-up flash comes in handy.</p>

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Steve, I would certainly consider a second-hand body but apart from Jessops I would not know where to look here in the UK. I am not confident enough to buy from ebay either. What other camera would you recommend, possibly with a pop-up flash? I have a separate flash-gun but I don't always take it with me because I can barely fit in all my stuff in my camera back pack as it is. THanks again for your advice.
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I would get a used film body. There are lots of them around. If you want a new body as you say then either the 300V, 300X or the 30V. My edge would go to the 30V because of its better interface (rear command dial) and viewfinder. However I would be looking for a used EOS 3 or even an EOS 5 (I have one and love it).
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Since you presumably already have at least one Canon EOS lens, I would recommend either a new Elan 7N or a used EOS 3. The 7N can be bought for well under your budget and is a really nice, capable camera. A good EOS 3 can also be had for slightly more, but still under your budget, and will give you a much more rugged body and some other bells & whistles like better autofocus, spot-metering, etc...I'd go for the EOS 3 myself, simply for the build quality...one in good condition should endure heavy use for a long time.
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For $600 you can get a good Eos 3 from ebay, if you're not confidant about bidding just press the mouse and click on buy, easy.


I live in Ireland where there are no photo shops or opportunities to talk about photography, so I find buying used from ebay and talking here invaluable. I have bought five cameras and lenses from ebay, all of them excellent value for money.


The shops in U.K are a rip off, just trust ebay, it really is worth it.


If you go for EOS gear, the Canon Eos 3 is good for your money.


Good luck.

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Elan 7N = EOS 33v


A used EOS 3 or EOS 1v is also within your reach if you're looking on Ebay. The 33v is smaller and quieter, and a very good performer. The EOS 3 is faster, heavier duty, better build quality, and louder. The EOS 1v is very good, still the top of the line. A quick Ebay search indicates that the EOS 1v is selling for the mid/high $600's and the EOS 3 is selling for $350-$450 (USD).


Hope this helps!

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Sorry for my U.S. name branding. Between the 30V and the 33V, I think the only difference is eye-control autofocus. I've never tried it, but I'm inclined to live without it for even the small price difference. Also on this side of the pond, KEH.com is good reputable online seller of used equipment. I've bought from them a number of times.
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Have a look at Ffordes - www.ffordes.com - they're based in Scotland and have a lot of used Canon EOS cameras available. They're very reputable - I've bought several Leica and Canon items from them.


There's someone available on the phone Monday to Friday if you'd like to speak to someone rather than order from the web site.

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My point on ebay is that I'm not confident enough to buy a camera and assess it's in perfect working order when I get it. What about if the shutter speeds play up? I simply worry an ebay purchase might be a bit of a gamble compared to a second-hand shop that has checked everything on the camera works OK.
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There are several photo magazines in the UK that have adverts from dealers for secondhand gear. Some of thek Jessops have a central database you can use online to track down what you want. I've bought and sold lots of photo equipment on ebay with never a problem.


I have an EOS 3 and a 7N/33V. They are both very good. The 3 will last for ages. The 33V issmaller and quieter and gives superb value for money given its advanced features. Well worth the price difference over the 300x/T2


Consider shopping with an online merchant in Germany or Luxembourg if you are in the UK. You could save a bundle over UK prices and have no VAT worries. Try Topvision.

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Federica, where abouts in the UK are you? I can help. If you are in London, I can help even more. Let me know which body you are after and I have friends at many local camera dealers here in London who you can visit and they will get you a good priced camera, the price of which won't be too far off the ebay price (usually). All are reputable, long established dealers.


Good luck

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If you remain scared of ebay you will be giving more money to a shop.


I bought a used Nikkormat (camera) in England for a good camera shop, when I git back to Ireland and used it there were problem with the lens. I sent it back and demanded a refund, I had to haggle the guy and was very adamant that he give me a full refund, which I received. That is the secong negative experience I had with a camera store.


On the other hand, I have bought several very nice cameras from ebay. I am sure you can find a good EOS 3 in mint condition form a very reputable seller on ebay for your money, you can also buy film, filters, tripod, etc etc all on ebay. Just go for it, look for sellers with an excellent and long history on ebay.


Good luck.

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"Christof: never in a million years will I go digital"


Well, that's what I used to say too. There are advantages to using digital - you can't pretend it is not true. Although I still shoot film now and then. Never say never, or you might have to eat crow.

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Thanks guys. I am now the proud owner of an EOS 3! Bought it on ebay and the seller was very helpful. Two questions now: 1. Can I use my Canon Speedlite 430 EZ with this camera? 2. Is the REMOTE SWITCH 80N3 OK or shoudl I go for the timer one with costs more than twice that? Thanks again for all your help. I will read the camera manual tonight!
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You're welcome Frederica, I hope you love your new camera and all is well. The other posters have a point about digital in that if you shoot many rolls of film it gets expensive very quickly. However, there is a place for film particularly B+W art prints, that digital cannot come near for aesthetic qualities. However, if you shoot wisely and consrve film you can cut costs a little and enjoy a medium that has a good history. Also, you now have a camera body which would have cost far more in the digital version, so you can enjoy the feel of the tool and just be happy.



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