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Nikon 5000 ED 16 bit images locked in photoshop


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I have recently acquired the Coolscan 5000 ED and have begun scanning

some old color negatives and slides. I am using the provided Nikon

Scan software in OS X, Tiger, version 10.4. In general, I have been

quite pleased with the results.


However, when I load a 16 bit impage in Photoshop Elements 3.0, Mac

version, and try to use the stamp tool (to eliminate some residual

dust), I am advised by the program that the background layer is

"partially locked." I am able to crop the image, but most menu items

in photoshop are greyed out. If I convert the image to 8 bit, I am

able to edit, a suggested work around in the Adobe Photoshop Support

site. However, I would like to work with the nice 16 bit image.


Is this a problem with the Nikon software, or do I need to upgrade to

Photoshop CS to get more functionality with 16 bit images? The ICE

feature works very well, and I am reluctant to try VueScan, as its

infrared feature did not fare so well in a recent, uk, review.



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The majority of photo editing programs in the "inexpensive" category will only edit, or reserve most functionality for 8 bit images. Some such as Photoshop Elements explicitly force you to convert your images. Many others just convert your images for you. The only "inexpensive" photo editing software that allows most functionality with 16 bit images that I am aware of is Corel's Paintshop Pro.
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I only use Photoshop, not elements but some of this may apply:


1) Images start out as 'background'. when they're background they cannot be edited in many ways. In photoshop you can double click on the background to convert it into a normal layer. That may fix your issue.


2) Another couple things to check...Some software does 'partially lock' images (a partial lock in Photoshop might be to lock position or editing of image and/or transparent pixels). In photoshop there ar small icons above the layers to toggle these partial locks in addition to the complete lock of a layer.


3) As previously stated, your software may not handle 16 bit images very well. It really took until Photoshop CS to get most of the functionality in the software available for 16 bit images. I'm not sure where Elements 3.0 fits in there though...

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Thanks for the comments. I double-checked the Adobe website, and it clearly states that Elements 3.0 supports 16 bit editing, which I assume includes the stamp tool. So something is coming over from Nikon Scan that is locking the image somehow, it seems.


I have tried unlocking the small lock on the layer, as suggested in one of the comments, but nothing happens. When I double click on the layer, I'm informed its "partically locked." I will try scanning in Vuescan demo version, if that puts out 16 bit, and see what happens.


Here is the URL for the Adobe reference:





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Robert --


I get the same results in Elements 3.0 for Mac. Also, the help file says it only edits in 8 bit,

which, of course, is not true. So Adobe needs to clean up its help file.


I tried Vuescan 16 bit images and got the same "partially locked" error message. I guess I

have to shell out $600 for CS2.


Thanks for your comments.



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