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Protection of your photos. Watermark?

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I just searched the discussion board for the problem of protecting

photo s. I read a lot threads about making a batch VISIBLE watermark,

such like adding your name and copyright directly and viewable to the

corner of a photo.

I like to use a transparent, non-viewable watermark protection but I

don't know how to use that. I only know about the possibility to add a

watermark which is non-viewable to my pictures with photoshop. in deed

i have got to sign a special account, paying a lot of money.. etc.pp.

so this is no solution for me. are there any freewareprograms which

are able to do the same?


any other suggestions? how do you protect your pictures?


thanks a lot in advance. bye, marcel

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If you're truly concerned that someone will use your photos, the only real answer is not to put them out in the public domain. There is no other alternative.


Go look at the photographers whose photos sell for really large amounts who have images on line. Then ask yourself: if they are not concerned, why should you be?

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A simple place to start would be to add metadata to your file. Creator, copyright and any additional info you want. So at least people who care about those things can see what the copyrights are. And many copyrights infringers will be too sloppy to eraze that information.
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The concept used 100 years age was to place ones studio address and advertising info on the back of a print. Photographers actually needed customers, and were not afraid to advertise. Todays photographers are rich, they worry camera trivia. :) Today the money model is to sue, hide from possible customers, sue, worry about protection, sue, . Many folks would be happy to pay you for a copy of your work, but alot of folks today dont give any clues as to who shot the image, or how to get a reprint or poster. Mybe it is a pride issue, folks dont want their name associated with images? or is it the pain of dealing with future profits? Alot of images are just abandoned.
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Vladimir Anisimov , mar 17, 2006; 01:34 a.m.

which one of your phoros do you feel requires protection?



okay okay I understand. sorry in my "naivity" concerning photography I just liked to learn about that. Of course my work doesn't need to be protectet.. at least at the moment ;) haha




thanks a lot to all the other replies. very helpful and now I know what I wanted to know.


ciao, marcel

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