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Leica lens on Panasonic Lumix... good?


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The lens on the FZ-20 is extremely good at putting a sharp image on an incredibly tiny sensor, and covering a wide zoom and focus range, and having built in OIS, at a reasonable price. That doesn't mean you can compare the final result to say, a prime on a large sensor dSLR. They're completely different systems, with different goals and different tradeoffs. If I ever got the amount of barrel distortion that's present in any megazoom p&s camera, in a lens designed for 35mm use, I'd pitch it in the trash. OTOH, I can get shots using the FZ-20 that eluded me on film, mostly due to the OIS and the fact that it has a zoom range beyond what I'd be willing to purchase in terms of separate lenses for a dSLR or film SLR. If you want some resolution numbers, go to dpreview and read the test results.
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the lens is good and has a fantastic range (i got the fz-10)


but once you get a look at the shots at 400iso it won't matter if NASA made the lens. the sensor is just too small.


there is simply no comparison between my fz10 and the 20d in terms of grain at higher speeds. to do it again, i would have saved the money (though the video on the fz10 is nice for what its worth)

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I really can't go into technical detail about the camera, but I do have an FZ-20 and am happy with it. Haven't gotten a really bad photo (well, due to camera shake anyway!) out of the it. IMHO the "program" mode tends to overexpose scenics, but it's not a big deal, since the camera has manual controls. I don't know what's on the market these days, but about a year ago it seemed like the best overall bang for what I could afford.

Good luck!

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