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Canadians Importing Film From the U.S.?


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Are there any Canadians out there who have imported film from the

U.S.? I'm finding the selection and prices in Canada are very poor and

am considering purchasing from B&H or some other major U.S. retailer.


My concern is the x-ray treatment that mailed parcels may receive. Has

anyone imported film from the U.S.? What has your experience been and

how do you ship?


I have received a few rolls from an individual without incident, but

don't want to gamble on a 100 rolls.


Also, any tips on good sources?

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Lee - it's much cheaper to buy bulk rolls and roll your own from online sources like freestyle and j and c. They both have quite a range of options and shipping is considerably cheaper for a couple of 100ft rolls of TriX or HP5+ than for individually packaged film. I usually place orders with a couple of friends of mine and share shipping.




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I cannot comment on buying film from the US as I haven't had any experience myself, but I can recommend a good store based in Quebec from whom I bought a reasonably large order of film:


<a href="http://www.photococan.com/">PhotoCo</a>



Their shipping charges were very reasonable, and my film order arrived a couple of days after placing the order. And they have very fresh stock of all the films that they carry. Ask to speak to Karen Reichel.


Hope this helps.



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I've heard horror stories on shipping things into Canada, especially via UPS, who are known for charging obscenely large "brokerage fees" for getting the items across the frontier, and seeing that Canada Revenue Agency gets their share.


If you're going to buy from the US, driving across the frontier to get it might be more practical.


So your film is expensive (high taxes) in Canada, but college tuition is free...

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Film is expensive here, even before sales taxes are factored in. We don't have the kind of market that a big seller like B&H can move into. And tuition certainly ain't free here. It's much cheaper than in the US, but it's still many thousands of dollars per year.


Photoco in Montreal has pretty good prices. If you want to order from within Canada, I'd go for that. If you're outside of Quebec you won't be charged PST.


In terms of ordering from the US, the only place I've had film shipped here from is Freestyle. You will get charged taxes and possibly duty 'on the way in'. Buy their house-brand stuff and you'll still save money, though. Plus, they ship by USPS (the postal service) without a fuss. I would advise against using any courier service for US-to-Canada shipments.

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Hi Lee, did you find another CV75 to replace the one I bought from you?


I bought about 50 rolls of film (Reala 100 and Superia Xtra 800) from BHPhotoVideo a couple of years ago. I had it shipped to a US mailbox outlet since we live about 5 min. from the border. Didn't have any problems but I guess that's not an option where you are (Yukon, right?). As far as UPS is concerned, you can tell the seller not to use them, and they'll usually agree.



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"I think if Canadians want our film, we should start a film for prescription drug exchange..what a ya think? ;)"


Barry, with all the money you owe us for natural gas and lumber, you should be just dropping it out of helicopters in huge bags for us .

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Be careful before considering bulk loading.(for economy only). 36exp. = 5' of film. B & H sell Velvia for $5.15/roll and 100' (=20 x 36) for $99.95. For Provia, it's only $4.09/36 roll.This is cheaper than bulk!


Lee, if you're in the Yukon, you might try Beau Photo, Vancouver BC. I have had good experiences with Vystek in Calgary. As a user of 220 film I've experienced no difficulties in getting Velvia, Reala and NPS in this format from dealers here in Vancouver.

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I've bought film (provia 100F, reala 100, fuji 400, 800, and 1600 color) from B&H and had it shipped by UPS worldwide expidited (which has the brokerage fees included), and delivered to Vancouver, B.C. The film was packaged nicely, arrived promptly, was cheaper, and even the ISO 1600 turned out fine.
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