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compact 65 to 75mm lens help


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I am looking for a compact and lightweight modern multi-coated lens in the 65mm to

75mm range for color work. I intend to carry this lens backpacking, and it only needs to

cover 6x9 - with movements. I know that at the 90mm focal length the Congo offering is

multi-coated, but I have not seen any similarly compact modern lenses in 65 or

75mm. I will consider new or used.


Among what I have seen so far the Grandagon N 65mm appears to be the smallest. Is

there another lens which is more compact yet? Any help that you can give will be greatly

appreciated! Thanks!

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If you were willing to give up movements, a 65/6.8 Angulon or Raptar would do fine for you. Both are quite small.


If you must have movements, have money to burn and time to spend searching, the 63/6.5 Cooke Ser. VIIb should do for you. The Vade Mecum suggests it covers 90 degrees at f/16, 100 at f/32. A 64/6.5 Ser. VIIb was sold on the Envoy Wide Angle Camera, you might look for one of them instead of a lens without camera.

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Tamara, Is there a reason that you must have a multicoated lens? Multicoating can be very over-rated in a large format lens because there are not as many air-glass surfaces. If you use a good lens hood and shade the lens from light, you should be able to get excellent color results with a single-coated lens. Eliminating the "multicoated" criterion will give you many more lens to choose from and will save you some money as well.
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