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Anyone use battery grip for Rebel XT/350D?


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I got myself a battery grip for the 350D/Rebel XT mostly because:


- it makes me look like a pro (biggest reason, now I think it's

stupid cause I admit I'm nowhere near a pro)


- it stores twice the battery


- it balances the weight of my Sigma 18-125mm


- it's got vertical shutter release


I no longer use the battery grip. I want to know if I should keep it

in case one day when I get a heavier telephoto lens (not to look cool

this time). Are there any other reasons I should keep it? Thanks.

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I bought the grip together with the body of my 350D. I guess I didn't consciously tried to look pro, I just have bought grips for all my bodies since my Elan II. On that camera the main advantage was to use regular AA batteries instead of the very expensive and hard to find (in Mexico) battery.


Now I feel it balances heavy lenses better and in horizontal shooting it gives a place for my pinky to rest.


BTW, I tend to shoot verticals a lot. Not that I do it consciously, it's a habit I have developed over time; guess it comes from shooting people.


Keep your grip!



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How long have you had the camera? I ask because I didn't think I wanted a vertical grip for

my 20D until several months after I got it, when I had the opportunity to shoot a couple of

ski races. The best angle available was shooting prone, but holding the camera in a

portrait orientation while propped up on my elbows felt quite awkward and made me sore

rather quickly. With a vertical grip, I'd have been much more comfortable and able to

continue shooting in a portrait orientation rather than reverting to landscape.


(And yes, I've handled a similar camera with a grip and would not be particularly excited

about the additional weight, as I do a fair amount of lugging my camera into the woods

and up small mountains and whatnot. However, the advantages in certain situations have

kept the grip on my things-I'd-like-to-buy list, albeit not at the top.)

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I got the grip some time after getting the XT. No regrets at all. The last reason was that I wanted to look like a pro. I got it mostly to have a better grip, for the ability to use AA batteries and for the vertical shutter. If I would be you, I would keep it. May I ask why you stopped using it? For me, it makes a lot of difference in term of balance, even with a 500mm f1.8 lens.
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Thanks for the comments. I got the vertical grip 2 months after getting the Sigma 18-125, because the Sigma lens is alot heavier, tilting everything forward. It was also mainly because I wanted to have a 1D look alike. I also think the 350D is really small, I can only hold the camera with 3 fingers. (I actually wanted to get the 20D just because of the grip). Now I don't use it because:


- I don't think it looks cool anymore


- it's heavy


I guess I'll still keep it, and use it when I get a telephoto lens in the future

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there is no way you can look like a pro with the rebel xt. grip or no grip, but if you attach it to a big white red ringed lens, then you look like a pro.


I got my grip because the camera is just too darn small to use with no grip ! and I am too poor to get the 20D. or at least the price difference over performance didnt justify it.


but keep the grip, unless you have very small hands.

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