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South Utah visit help


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I will be travelling to Utah in the middle of October. I am driving

in and I have reservations for both Zion and Bryce but I have one

open night and am looking for suggestions on where to stay/what to



I am looking for where we might find decent fall color. My open day

is the 8th. I have thought about the Mount Caramel Junction area

but have only passed through it once and did not stay or linger in

the area.


We have been to Page and that could be an option but I would like to

see some fall color if possible. I know we are a little early for

Zion Canyon color but maybe the aspens would be nice along Hwy 12?


We are heading to Bryce on the 9th and then into Zion. Bryce, and

the Ruby Inn are both booked for the 8th so I was looking at either

Kanab or MCJ. Again, it is for just one night and we will need a

motel (no camping-bummer).


Any suggestions on a town and area to see would be great. Thanks.

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Torrey would be a great place and is close to both Boulder Mountain (most scenic part of highway 12) and to Capitol Reef, both of which should have good color (aspen on Boulder Mountain and cottonwoods in Capitol Reef). The aspen may be a little past peak by that time but there should still be enough color left.



<a href="http://www.scenicwild.com">Scenic Wild Photography</a>

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I'd agree with Guy Tal. If you want foliage colour at that time of year then Boulder Pass is the first place I'd look and a base in Torrey gets you to Capitol Reef as well. The risk you run is that the location is exposed and one big blow can ruin the lot overnight- but then you have Capitol Reef as a bail-out.


I've photographed Cedar Breaks in early October- great location in the afternoons/sunset but I can't recall much foliage colour- most of the trees up there are conifers. Bryce in the morning/Cedar Breaks in the afternoon makes a great combination.

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Thanks. I have been over the Boulder mountain area in summer and that would be ideal except it is probably a little further than we can make it on that day. Cedar Breaks would be more within reason and we will probably shoot for that.


So many wonderful sights and so little time. Ah, to have unlimited vacation, instead of just a week off work.


BTW- Great image in the snowstorm, exactly what I would hope to find.

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The aspens near the North Rim entrance to the Grand Canyon is really pretty right now. Some of the trees up there at 7000 and 8000 were going strong with yellow color. You will start to see color about 1 hour from Kanab heading towards the North Rim. Have fun. I will be in that same area as you the following week
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