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Vancouver Island Recommendations


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We will be taking a trip to Vancouver island mid October and will be

staying four days in Ucluelet. I am looking for advice regarding

photo opportunities and esp. recommendations on film speeds and

lenses. I will be bringing a SLR and very cheap light tripod. I will

be using color negative film. Would 100 ASA be OK or would 400 be

better? I have a number of prime lenses but not sure which would be

best. Also we will be trying to go on a whale watching trip in

Victoria as well. What kind of weather can we expect? Any advice

would be appreciated.

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Weather will be very variable. You may get lucky and have mild days with beautiful light. It is also very possible that you will have lot's of clouds and rain. This area of Vancouver island can have huge waves on the Pacific side especially as you get into the winter. My best guess is crisp weather with a 50/50 chance of rain!

I have gone in the Summer and had a great time. I highly recommend renting a kayak and going through the harbor. Unless the weather is really bad the water in the harbor is very mild. You should also get some good shots of the dock area with old fishing boats etc.

Take an assortment of 100 and 400 speed. Tofino is also very close and worth exploring as well. Have fun, it is a beautiful island!

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For a fairly arduous day hike: start at Wickaninish Inn at south end of Long Beach, and go south. Or conversely, start at north end of Florencia Bay (Wreck Bay), and go north. It's moderate difficulty, with a few mild vertigo bits, and quite a few more thrashing through the salal bits.


If not sure, starting at the Wikaninish Inn starting point and heading south, just as far as you're comfortable, has the better pay-off. You should be able to get to some spectacular open water headlands by that route, once getting around the corner from the beach past "South Beach". My wife and I just did this abbreviated hike, last time we were over there. My vertigo comfort zone is very easily breached.


This will require use of "informal" trails. A word of caution: if rain is pending, do not venture far out on rocky areas. Or leave expanses of rocky areas in your retreat. They become really slick with a few drops of rain.

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There is an overland boardwalk that connects the two start of points: Wickaninish Inn and Florencia Bay. With your car parked at one end, if you do the full hike along the coast to the other end, it's a brisk one hour max walk back, using this walkway.


Oh, and parking fees are going up within the park, sometime soon? Already? Next spring? There's going to a per-person charge, on top of the already exhorbitant vehicle per day charge.

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Well I do want to thank everyone who has responded so far. Great suggestions! I am trying to get a little specifics on the gear as well. I am bringing my Pentax KX and ME Super with a winder for any whales we might see. I have a number of lenses including 24mm, 28mm, 50mm and 80-200 zoom. Am I OK with this selection? Also if I bring ASA 100 and ASA 400 will I be covered? Specifally regarding the 100 as I am not sure how bright it will be in mid October.
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Well, obviously you could go with just the 400 speed film and not worry about it. I travel with both to take advantage of the ability to go with bigger enlargements. There will be enough light during the day to use the 100 speed. Take a tripod for mornings and evenings. I always travel with a tripod as well.


Best wishes!

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On the way out to the coast the highway passes through Cathedral Grove. Worth a stop. Tripod is mandatory here or 400asa film if the sun is out. If driving NW from Victoria stop at Goldstream Park, salmon may still be running. Whale watching from Victoria is most likely over by mid October. Be sure to ask if the whales are actually around before paying your money. Other places to stop, Saltspring Island, Qualicum Beach or Englishman River Falls. If driving up Island the view from Mt Washington is great and Strathcona Park is nice. Weather can be great or rainy.
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