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Urgent, couple hasn't made contact!


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I have been doing wedding photography for over a year now and I have

a couple thats getting married in 2 weeks this Saturday and they

haven't gotten in contact with me for their wedding details. Here

is what I do. When someone books with me and pays their deposit I

get their contact info and they sign a contract that states the day

is theirs. Then I setup a time to do their engagement pics. Well

they get a free session with any package they do decide to get. So

they setup a time to do one ( a sunset session ) and when the time

comes, they are a no show. I call my clients in advance to confirm

appointments and they didnt even answer that call. So, I wait

around, wasting my evening, and he doesn't even call. And I left 2

voicemails asking to please call. So about 3 weeks later, he calls,

apologizes and wants to reschuduel and appointment. So I do. Well,

I'm out on location and he calls 45 minutes before his appointment

and says they can't make it, again, and he'll call to setup another

appointment. Well, I'm just bending over backwards at this point,

because they only get one free session, and they have stiffed me

twice. Well, he never called back. So I called their contact

numbers on two different dates stating that their wedding is

approaching fast and we need to do a final consultation (I do that a

month before) to get all the times, dates, locations, etc in the

contract. They still haven't called back. This Saturday, it will

be two weeks before the wedding, now their balnace is due, and I

still don't have the details, where their getting married, times,

etc. I'm wondering what I can or should do, if anything, and if

they do get in contact, how should I handle the situation. They

live in Chicago, about 3 and half hours from where I'm located, they

don't answer their cell phones, or work phones when I call. I'm

also wondering, if they stiff me on the wedding can I get any other

fees out of them beside the non refundable deposit??


Thanks in advance, sorry this is so long.


Frustrated Photographer in Illinois

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You need to make a decision. You can send a "registered" return receipt letter to the bride (or the groom,) explaining why you have elected to take a pass on doing their wedding. Enclose a highlighted copy of your contract and explain no balance payment was received.




Or you can take 7 hours of travel and get lucky on the wedding date: if you can find out where the wedding is being held.




You have to be a businessman in this case.

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You say their balance is due now (two weeks before the wedding). Is this is part of your contract or verbal agreement. If part of the contract it would seem they have failed to keep the contract and you may not be obligated to show. A certified letter well before now might have been a good idea.

They do sound pretty irresponsible from your side of the story.

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First, I would suggestthat you relax, breathe nice big breaths. I suspect that you'll be hearing from them sometime, maybe soon. Photography is probably not a big priority for them. What does the contract say? I suspect that the deposit secures their date, does the contract specify consequence of nonpayment in the two weeks prior? Are you in a position where you are turning down a work offer for the scheduled date? In the mean time, relax....maybe send a letter. Do you have an email address for either the bride/groom? I'm suprised you didn't have any details on venue, church, or estimates on times in the contract already.
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I do put the dates and times in, but usually we do it all with our final consultaion or when we meet for an engagement session because at that time they know for sure what church they are getting married in, if they've reserved a reception hall, the times that will work for them. Thats why I do that all a month before at the latest. I've been trying to make contact with no answer. I think I will send a certified letter. There is no penalty fee on my contract, but maybe I should add one. I have turned down multiple couples that wanted to book on this date, but I was assuming this couple paid a deposit because they wanted the date and I was under the impression that I would get an additional profit from this date, but now, it seems like I wont hear from them at all. If I do, I think I should charge them a late payment fee. Does anyone ever do that, if so, what would be a reasonable late payment fee for a wedding package.
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Is a late payment fee in the contract? Payment was in the contract, right? Yes, they did break the contract. If you wanted a late fee or any other penalty you needed to spell it out in the contract. I would not sign a contact that had late fees and other penalties beyond the retainer / deposit. Do your competitors charge a late fee? You need to make the retainer large enough to be ok if the wedding is canceled.


A contract requires balance. A retainer balances out the chance the wedding is called off or date changed. My understanding is you can make a new contract but can not unilatteraly change a contract. I am not a lawyer nor do I play one ...

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The answer is pretty easy really..


1.) Write them a certified letter stating that they are in breech of contract for failure to pay by the due date, and you would now be free to schedule that day to another customer, their loss on the deposit. (this should be in your contract) If they DO pay you, then they once again have the date locked.


2.) If they never contact or pay you, (after making a very reasonable attempt to contact them) then you simply don't show up, go about your business, and do your best to shoot something else that day


3.) If they DO contact you, let them know of the above, and they are due right away.


4.) definitly stop offering free engagement sessions.

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Don't use the word deposit in your contract, use the word payment to reserve the date and time. A potential client who does not have the wedding location and reception location confirmed I usually do not book until they do. A few have been insistant that they will get married on a specific date and I remind them that if they change their date for any reason the payment to reserve is not refundable. The payment to reserve is $1000. I also fill out an info card when the couple books giving me the parents names, addresses, and phone numbers in addition to the bride and groom.
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