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CRIT: Portaiture & Flattery


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No, I'm not talking about flattery in the sense of the recent long "Leica Glow" thread, but

rather the idea that portraits of a beautiful woman need not be flattering -- it all depends

on the purpose of the picture and what you're trying to say.


The picture below is potentially part of a series about the pressures on young people,

students, in their early twenties living in a large, tumultuous city like Bangkok: pressures

of finding your place in life -- what to become, finding a partner, how to deal with family,

etc. I wanted the piciture to reflect a dark and troubled mood, not the ?land of smiles?.

What do you think?


I previously posted another picture in this series in the following thread:





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"but rather the idea that portraits of a beautiful woman need not be flattering"<br><br>


I guess it depends on how expansively you define flattering. I'd say the posted picture is flattering, but not perhaps in the same way as a more traditional portrait. I can still tell she's a beautiful woman; a truly unflattering portrait wouldn't leave me with that impression. <br><br>


I'd be interested in seeing the rest (or whatever there is) of the series. It's certainly got potential, although there's always the risk "students, in their early twenties" can turn self-important and juvenile. ;-)<br><BR>


<img src="http://www.1point4photography.com/images/00590002.jpg"><br>opening night


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About one stop too dark and moody for me. There is no shadow detail at all and the light side of the face is too dark for my taste. even her eye white is very dark. If there is detail on the right face side, try printing it lighter. If there is none, try a lighter print on higher contrast paper keeping the left side brighter.
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Men and women mostly look like their parents, starting around forty and for the rest of their lives.


Look at the young lady's mother, factor that into your definition of beauty. If her mother is fat, for example, that's the future.

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Paul: The triangle under the arm -- it's part of the chair -- gave me some trouble also and

I burned it in a bit; perhaps I should burn it some more.


Matt, Owen: The url in my posting above links to another picture in the series. I have six

altogether at this point.


Ronald: No, there is shadow deatail in the print and you can see it on the monitor if you

view the picture against a black background, although it wouldn't bother me if there were

none. The darkness and modiness is what I was after, so I'm not inclined to print it lighter.


Frank: Here is the crop the you suggested. It become much more intimate, and I'm not

sure that's what I would want for this picture, although I'm stll thinking about and would

appreciate views on this.<div>00DGc8-25244284.jpg.eddc698e5dcadb5fbda9b9e28f1f4ce2.jpg</div>

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I like the original much better than the crop. I might like it better is there were more contrast, especially in the light side of her face (but I might not). I think it works fairly well for your stated purpose, though it strikes me as more intense or thoughtful than troubled.
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Mike: Thanks. "Intense and thoughtful" will do. More contrast: I been playing with the

contrast of this print and thought that the above was the best. But I'll have another look when

I get back my 24x36 inch print which is being laminated. (The lamination deepens the blacks

and makes for a richer print.)



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