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D70 vs. D70s USB Speed + Remote trigger


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I'll get a D70 or D70s this week.

What irks me with the D70 is the silly infrared remote with a front

side sensor. I use the cable remote quite often on my F100 for macro

and tele work, reaching over the front would not be really practical I

think. How far do I need to go over the camera?


The other thing is USB speed, the D70s seems to be rated higher. Does

anyone here have practical experience on the USB speed difference?

How long does it take to transfer 1GB on the D70 vs. the D70s,

assuming I transfer from the camera and not a separate reader?

Is it noticeable in tethered shooting?


The price difference here is ?200-?300 for the kit, so I am wondering

about those quirks. The larger monitor is not a big issue for me and

as long as the firmware update takes care auf the AF speed, the two

issues above seem to be the only dfferentiating factors.




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The IR cable relase was new to me also. I am begining to like it as I dont touch the camera and don't need to be as close. I have issues with the way the D70 implements it though, it resets to normal mode after each shot. (Although I have upgraded the firmware and have not use this feture yet.) As for USB, I have had my camera for just short of a year, and NEVER used the USB. USB 2.0 card readers are cheap, and I leave my reader plugged into my computer and a second reader in my camera bag. As for speed, I can move about a GB in a minute using "USB 2.0 HiSpeed".
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Frank, you can set the D70 to allow the ML-L3 Remote to be

active for up to 15 minutes, without defaulting back to regular

shutter control. (See page 108 in the manual.)


Also, with a little ingenuity, you can make that remote work from

the rear. I was in a very precarious position once, needing to

stand at least 5 feet behind the camera. A little gaffer's tape and

a small piece of foil did the trick. Not permanent, but it worked.

Also, glass or reflective surfaces in front of the camera can

deflect the IR signal on its way to the sensor.


I was used to cable releases as well, but have learned to use

the remote instead. It's no big deal. Plus, I've been able to take

some pics with the remote that would have been impossible

without a very, very very long cable release.


I don't know the time specs on downloading via USB cable on

either camera. I've never used the USB cable. That's probably

true for a good many DSLR owners, especially D70 users. A

card reader is more convenient for me, especially if I need to use

the camera while downloading shots.


Bottom line. If I was choosing between the D70 or D70s today,

this minute, I'd opt for the D70. Upgrade the firmware. And save

some $$$.

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Ditto BW. The remote works very well. I usually hold it about 6 inches above the left

side of the camera and point it down at the sensor. I also like that the remote comes

with a very handy little case that slides right on to the camera strap. But I don't do

macro, so I don't know if it works well for that.

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Thanks guys!

Bought the D70, upgraded firmware before the first shot.

The only thing that I noticed was that with the 1GB UltraII I still have to wait for buffer flushes when shooting series, most of the reviews made me think this would not be the case.




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An aftermarket wired remote is available for the original D70.


I've had a D70 for over a year and just recently bought one of these wired remotes on ebay. It works as advertised.






If the link is expired, do a search for the seller on ebay. His seller name is bearislandtc .





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