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Where to find Domke F-805 Satchel?


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That's the 'Courier' satchel, and I believe they discontinued it years ago, all they offer any

more are the 802 and 803 satchels in various colors and materials. I got a really nice

'Safrotto' satchel a while back that is a chinese clone of the domke, but offered in various

sizes. The workmanship is equal/identical to the domke bags and IMO the dividers are

superior. The one I got is the same size as the old 805 but the pockets are slightly

different, it has a really nice set of dividers for camera gear with a padded slot for a small

laptop. Unfortuanately I don't know the model designation for this bag, or where you can

find one. There doesn't seem to be any on ebay currently like this. You might find out

more at their website: safrotto.com.


Here is a similar one with the brand name 'mekko':


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