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28 2.8 M 3rd type hood is crooked!


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Hi, I have a 28 M E49 ser 3245xxx with hood 12536 (thrid vers I

think). When mounted on either M2 or M6 the hood looks like it's 15-

20deg off square, clockwise as you look @ front of the camera. I

think the hood mounting pins are off. I did not notice this when I

bought it (used) & I used it inside some w/out hood. It's hard to

tell if it affect the image any (I am planning on doing some tests).

I may send it for a CLA & hood fix, but I wonder if this is a problem

that may reoccurr and if it affects the image. My consern is if part

of the lense barrel is misailigned there could be a problem that will

not show up until a few months from now when I finish my new darkroom

& start printing large again. Is this a fix I could do at home?

Thanks for your help. Jim.

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It is not by design, you can forget that theory! The top surface of the hood should be horizontal. There may be a little opening in the corner that opens up the finder view, though not by much. Some of these hoods have it, some not. If it's off, it needs to be fixed. I would ask the seller for an adjustment for this.


It occurred to me to wonder whether you started the hood from the wrong point. However, I used to have this lens, and I don't recall that there was more than one way to put it on. Well, maybe upside-down, but not 15 or 20 degrees off.


I don't think Sherry would charge much to correct this. I would email or phone her to see what she thinks about it.

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My dad has this lens, and I think his does the same thing. The front part of the lens casing is

loose and rotates a bit. I think it is just the outer part of the lens, not any of the elements, so

I don't think it is a big problem. Just turn the pins so that the hood is in the right place again.

Since the elements aren't moving, it should not be anything other than an annoyance. Don't

quote me, as I don't have the lens in front of me, but that is how I remember it. It was a 28

elmarit bought around the time the M6 classic came out.

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The pins on the lens - as noted above - should be at 12 and 6 oclock. If they are not, the lenshood will mount crooked. The long dimension of the lenshood should be horizontal when the hood is mounted. If the pins are located correctly, the problem is with the hood, if not the problem is in the front end of the lens, which needs to be adjusted. The 35/2 version 4 Summicron also sometimes develops probvlems due to rotation of the front end of the lens. If this is the case, you need to send in the lens to have it fixed.
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This problem is caused by a spring sticking (or it is broken off) inside the lens hood. Take off the hood and examine the inside. Look to see if both springs (one on each side) are in the same position. If one is not running on a diagonal, it is stuck. Take a fine pin or knife blade and pull it down to match the pin on the other side. It is an easy fix, BUT it may stick again the next time you take off the hood. Once it is on, leave it on. Very common problem with this lens hood.
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